
I Just Got A New Lip Piercing On Sunday And It Is Now Tuesday. Does It Look Right? ?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know if the swelling is like the right size and if in your opinion i got it in a good spot and if the back of my lip is supposed to look like that.... all bruised... help please.... and if it doesn't look right what are your suggestions about me taking it out and redoing it...should i do it right away or should i wait untill it heals?




  1. The swelling looks normal, but I have never seen anyone's lip piercing bruise like that before. You should get it checkd out.

    I got one in the middle a bit lower down and it didn't bruise at all.

  2. Bruising is normal. It looks a little too red though.

    If you hae any doubt that it could be infected DO NOT take the piercing out, because of risk of the infection spreading through the body.

    Go see your piercer and they can take a look and tell you what your options are.

  3. dont keep touching it and make sure u bathe it regular this is an awkward place 2 have one but if u look after it it shuld be ok

  4. i'd go and ask at the place where you had it done, some people react worse than others but i havn't seen them bruise like that before. you are better to check just to be sure, they can tell you whether to take it out or give it a while longer. are you cleaning it properly daily also? hope this helps (:

  5. Rings aren't the best for healing, since they move around so much, but other than that it looks like a typical fresh piercing.

    Lips tend to swell a lot or not at all. Looks like you got the swelling. Keep an eye on it and if the ring gets too tight, go back to your piercer. Try taking some ibuprofen for the swelling, it may help.

    Bruising can occur with piercing. It's not abnormal. I bruise with about 50% of my piercings, but I bruise easily anyways.

    The bruising and swelling should go away in a week or two.

  6. did you do that yourself? if so it might be infected and you should take it out asap. If a licensed piercer did it, go back there and ask and they should be able to give you suggestions on it

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