
I Just Got Another Guinea Pig, Will They Be Friends?

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I decided to get a male friend for Jack (Who we recently discovered was male too) and called him Josh.

We did the introductions like advised and now they are cuddled up together on the couch under a thick blanket. At first Jack was a little phased at his new friend Josh, but now they are being totally silent and just seem to want to be cuddled up and friendly towards each other.

Does this mean that they are forming a friendship?

I know that Jack was lonely. He was depressed in his cage all alone and now he has Josh he seems to be content and quite and has stopped all his screeching.

It must be working out right? I mean if they didn't like each other they would be fighting and nipping at each other.

What about feeding time?

Will they be like dogs and scrap over food?

I'm just delighted that Jack has Josh now, but I'm still a little worried.

They won't be sharing a cage just yet though as I want to observe their behavior towards each other. But so far so good, I think!




  1. Yeah, everything sounds like it is going great! Guinea pigs instinctively want to be with other guinea pigs, so they will get used to eachother. Josh has been around other guinea pigs all this time up until now, but Jack has not, so it may take some time for Jack to get used to having another guinea pig around. And they might scrap over food a little bit, but it depends on them. If they are both dominant, then it might be better to feed them on opposite corners of the cage at least. But usually one will be passive enough not to challenge the other one so try it and see.

  2. Have you read ?

  3. Yes but keep a very close so you can see any signs of fights braking out so you can stop it be4 it get out of control.Make sure you have plenty of space for the both of them .Remember two of everything >When You got two guinea pigs you should have two hutches two food bowls two water bottles etc.Keep your regular feeding feeding time so you do not up set your first guinea pigs feeding time(i feed mine in the morning a pinch of meadow grass,and yes they are very spoiled piggys,and 1/2 cup of dry food and in the evening i feed them the same thing) No do not feed your guinea pigs scraps it can cause them severe intestinal damage  or even worse death.Me personally dont not cage two males together because territory issues.

  4. It sounds as if you've made a good match! Once they become buddies, they will be almost inseparable.

    For right now, feed them with two separate dishes so Jack won't feel "invaded". They won't squabble over the food dish if there are two of them.

    If you've got them in separate cages, but sure to have the cages right NEXT to each other so they can still see & smell each other -- otherwise, you'll have to do introductions all over again! They forget who their buddy is fairly quickly. I would go ahead & put them in the same cage after 24-48 hours with no aggression.

  5. in time they will bond and become friends,

  6. trust me they would i have 6 and they all got along

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