
I Just Got Burnt For 14 Bucks. Give Me Some Wise Or Buddhist Quote To Help Me Forget About It.

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This dude was supposed to give me 14 bucks for a ticket but he never gave it to me and claims he did. My friend will hopefully give it to me in his absence. Anyway, give me some quotes to help me forget about it.




  1. i saw a fortune cookie that said:  a fool and his money are soon parted.  Does that help any?     just kidding about all that, im sure you a real cool dude,especially since you got tickets for everyone....

    don't count on the friend to give you any money, be glad it wasn't 20...remember all this next time someone wants you to go buy tickets again,, get the money first,, also,,dont worry about getting tickets for everyone else, just you and one friend go.

  2. what goes around comes around.

    just give him the beat down

  3. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, Shame on me.


    Dont get ripped off.

    Theres 3.

  4. "An intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius, and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction."

    Albert Einstein.

  5. Mistrust is your only defense against betrayal.

    Experience is a tough teacher, she gives you the test first and the lessons afterwards.

  6. He who go to bed with itchy b******e, wake up with stinky finger

  7. It's better...than a kick in the face with a golf shoe.

  8. Better a little time lost at the beginning of a race, than to lose the race altogether.

  9. wow $14 lol whats that gonna do lol

  10. "if your an idiot, you'll eventually lose 14 bucks"


  11. learn  from yesterday

    live    for     today

    hope  for     tomorrow


    this will really help you

  12. I would say. Who cares and go do something else and forget about it.  

  13. Loosing $14.00 is better than loosing a life,

    $14.00 could keep a 3rd world family fed for weeks, you're lucky to have it to loose,

    If someone gives it to you in anothers absense did you ever really loose it?

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