
I Just Saw an Ad For "Scalp Med", is Renaming Minoxidil , "Vidadil", and Claiming it is a -?

by Guest66505  |  earlier

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-"FDA Approved Ingredient" Legitimate to you?

The Scam "Avacor" Used to Claim FDA Approval.

Of Interest:




  1. Aha! Minoxidil. Suprisingly enough it does actually work for some people. In male androgenic alopecia it has an appreciable affect... although this is just a brief wikipedia check based on something I was told in a pharmacology tutorial. There are all kinds of reasons it might work, none of which seem very plausable. The hair-gaining effect was noted as a side effect in trials as a vasodilator, apparantly. It is, however, an approved substance and sold under tradenames in the UK and US. The main problem is that these guys are mis-selling their formula as being worth more than it actually is, I understand. The only real problem I can think is that over-zealous application could cause hypotensive problems... ho hum, more crooks.

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