
I Kissed a guy for the first time, I was drunk and didnt know what I was doing, but now that I think about it

by  |  earlier

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I think I liked it should I try it again.......




  1. go for it

  2. Yeah, okay....once more from the top, only this time, let's try it without liquor-breath. (That way you'll know for sure if you liked it or not). See, life is largely a matter of perception. When you're drunk, it seems pleasing to slam your face against a cool, comforting toilet bowl. He's your friend, he understands you and knows what you need in that moment. Sober, on the other hand, you wouldn't be caught dead with your face anywhere near a filthy commode. Right?

  3. sure....

  4. thats awesome man!!  

  5. Yes Ofcorse  

  6. y wouldnt u? thers nothing bad about kissin. noothing bad at all.

  7. not while drunk my friend. that can lead to drunken s*x which leads to std's, pregnancy, being labelled a s l u t, getting it on with someone you actually dont even like at all, or someone really ugly (beer goggles lol) among MANY other problems.

    A good snog is wonderful....

    but when your drunk, its a foolish and stupid thing to do.

    if you arent confident enough to kiss someone while your both sober, then your not ready to be kissing. you should be confident and mature enough to kiss someone without alcohol in the picture.

  8. hahahahaha

    sure try it again

    just dont get drunk

    it might be more enjoyable lol



    also could you please answer mine;...

    thanks much!


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