
I LOVE INVESTING what should i major in college for this?? I like to sell too and make profits! please help me

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When ever i see something about investing I like to read or learn about it. I admit it stocks, bonds, and those type of things still confuse me but I hope to understand it some day. I love buying stuff and selling them or investing in something in hope having a profitable return at the end. I don't mind researching before I invest with my money but sometimes the stuff are hard to understand for me to actually do it. What should I major in college if this is what interest me and what kind of career can I hope to get out of this major? The majors that you guys advise me to go into what do they do? Is it hard? What can I do or what books can I buy to learn AHEAD and by preparing before getting a job in this field? Please help. I really need long details about this. Thank You!




  1. Finance along with financial accounting courses.

  2. major in business administration.

  3. Finance for sure.

    Minor in econ or accounting, too.

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