
I LOVE this boy but my mom hates him and mocks him all the time!?

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i really like this guy and hes always out trying to impress me.. we've tried to go out 2 times, this will be our third. we just keep coming back to each other. the longest i've gone out with him was for one day. but then i broke it off cuz i was afraid of what my mom would think. his dad has kinda a bad rep and shes basing this guy i like to be just like his dad. hes not. and we really love each other. what should i do?




  1. it u love him go for him no matter what other people think

  2. LEt him try to prove to your mom that hes not like his father and tell to try to impress your mother for a little bit instead of so much of you

    Because if he dosent have your mothers respect you and him are always going to be uncomftable

    When i first got with my Boyfriend he did so many things to get my moms respect like i felt he was dating her but it really worked out well  

  3. Just laff shes bored

  4. Well if your afraid of what your mom will think let her know how you feel and convince her that he isn't like his father.  

  5. If you're sure that he's a really good boy and he likes you too, you should ask your mother why she mocks him and tell your feelings about him.

    every mother wants the best things for their children and speak honesty with them.

    after you got these answer, if your mother just didn't like him, its her problem and don't worry she'll accept him soon and you're friendship. Good luck!!!

  6. follow your heart..your mom probably use to mess with his dad that's why she acts the way she does =D

  7. If the longest you've ever "gone out" with him is a DAY, then how in the h**l can you know that you love him?

  8. you know what! who cares. if you think he is right for you i mean you relly think go for it. dont be self conscious and who cares if people judge you


    you dont want to risk all these things if hes just going to dump you

    that would suck. Just have a talk with him and let him no how important this is and let him no what you are risking.(relationship with you mom)

  9. how old are you

    if your like 12 13 14 then you dont love him get over yourself

    if your like 15 16 17 18 then who cares what your mom thinks

    and if your older then 18 then just date who you wanna date

    you mom should like whoever you chose

    you dont want to date the man of ure mothers dreams

    you want to date the man of your dreams

    and ovb you care what ure mom thinks

    maybe try talking to her and not everyone on the internet

  10. Just because you WANT something doesn't mean that you should HAVE it. Maybe the reason you two can't seem to get together is because it is not meant to be. Why not lay off for a while and see what happens. Life has a way of working itself out like it is supposed to.

  11. If he is really a good guy, have him come over & spend some time w/ your Mom. She is just trying to protect you. Once she sees what type of person he is chances are she will lighten up. Good luck.

  12. Sometimes family members are weird like that. If you really, truly love this boy, then follow your heart.

  13. looks like you should tell her what you just told us

  14. Try to do what you feel in your heart without alienating your mom.  Remember, blood is blood, and if your mother loves you she will let you make your own decision.  If she is h**l bent on him not being right for you, take a step back and look at him and the situation.  Chances are she feels this way for a reason.  If you can see all his faults, yes he has faults, and still want to be with him... then be with him.

  15. Ignore your mother and tell him to do the same.  He should not be held accountable for the actions of his father.  Get back with him and stay with him.  Who cares what any one else thinks?  You love him, you see he is good and that is all that matters.  Make it work and tell your mom you love him.  If she can't except him then she can't except you.


  16. you mum is afraid of like father like son and if the father is disrespectful of others he has set a poor example for his boy. how would the boy know better? she doesn't want to see you hurt or get a bad reputation. you can make mistakes that can haunt and hurt you for the rest of your life, and you have so much life to live. bad boys are exciting and thrilling until they get you into trouble and leave you behind.

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