
I LOVE to dive on the court for balls..But when i walk my hips seem to pop..Know of any stretches?

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  1. Yes go to like the plyo city sites. They will have a TON of stretches and stuff like that. Standing up and doing like a ballarina pose type this really helps. Stand with your feet a little further out then hips. Then reach one arm over the opposite side of your body. Move around a little bit ti'll you feel it start to stretch like your oblique and down your leg and hip! Hope that HELPS!!

  2. hips popping is natural like knuckles.

  3. diving for balls means you are probably a great hustler, but is not the best defensive technique, try to work on faster footwork to stay on your feet and you wont have problems having bruised or any hip problems. this will also make you a better defensive player i promise.

  4. I like to do this warm up they do in basketball, I don't quite know the name of it but you stand with a your feet at least a foot apart, then you slightly bend your knees, put your hands on your hips and move in a circular motion as if your playing the hula hoops, after a while you start to push out backward and forward afterwards you keep doing it but instead of circular motions you do the figure eight in small rotations then in big rotations when you do this do you lean forward with your hips and lean backwards...did that make sense you lean forward when your hips swing forward then lean back when your hips sway this works for you like it did me...

  5. Before and after you play volleyball make sure to stretch enough so you dont get injured! Espesially for the hips spread your legs wide open and try to reach your foot with the opposite hand. Your hips will learn to do that and you will not pain any more

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