
I Like This Boy At School

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i like this boy at school but i reckon my friend likes him but i want to try and look good so he will like me more than my friend i really like him plz help me your answer will really mean a lot to me




  1. just express how you feel.  he might have a crush on you anyway.  it would make things alot easier on us guy if we knew when a girl like us, especially if it was a girl we wanted to be with

  2. Well...grade school is kind of an awkward stage, isn't it?

    We all go through it...having crushes, but never really developing a relationship.

    Boys at that age are more focused on who can jump highest, eat the most Oreos, or catch the most spiders.

    But they do notice girls...but might get freaked out if you ask him out.

    Just be his friend, like talk about baseball if you play softball, or soccer if that's something you both like.

    Don't get too dolled up, just be clean and shower, clean your ears, brush your hair, brush/floss/use mouthwash, stay a healthy weight, wear clean clothes, etc.

    At your age, don't wear make-up, because you're too young.

    Also, consider that your friend might be really sad if you take him away.

    Think about who means more; your friend or this boy?

    Also, make sure the boy likes you before you do anything to lose your friend...but remember that boys will come and boys will go, but friends are forever.

    Good luck, and just know that you have many many years to come to worry about boys, so just focus on having fun and being healthy at your innocent age.  =)

  3. you and your friend should both drop him boys arent worth a friendship

  4. Just be open and tell him that you like him. Then he would know and he still wouldnt know that your friend likes him. This isnt the easiest way to let him know but its the fastest and you would know if he likes you too. :]

    Hope I Help


  5. dont do any thing until you talk to her that will avoid alot of problems and you never know what she will say.

  6. just dress like normal and show him your good attitude... smile at him from time to time... u don't have to look like a supermodel to be noticed...  

  7. Body language

    Look at their body - all in the name of research obviously - they way they act around you can give vital clues to the mystery of whether they fancy you or not.

    Do they turn their body towards yours, even when you're in a big group? Do they make excuses to touch you, like, all the time?

    If the answer is 'yes' then they're seriously interested, even though they may not know it yet.


    When boys fancy someone, they play with their earlobes

    BBC h2g2


    Do they get hot and bothered when you're around? If they blush, stumble over words or just generally come over slightly peculiar, they might as well be wearing a neon sign over their head saying, 'I fancy you. Yes YOU!

    Actions speak louder than words

    People can be pretty bad at 'fessing up to the person they fancy. You'll have to do some detective work and look out for the (none too subtle) clues.

    On the plus side, these signs include them lending you their stuff or asking you to hang out with them and their mates.

    Slightly more annoying signs are them showing off in front of you and teasing you mercilessly. Take it as a compliment, they want you.

    It's not their fault your irresistable

    They want to know what you're up to 24/7. If you're not around, they're giving their mates the third degree. And when you are around it's a constant blitz of calls and texts.

    Try not to get too irritated. They just want to get to know you better and check out whether they've got any competition. And in case you were in any doubt by now - yes, they definitely think you're hot.

  8. Tell him you like him and then you will be the bigger person. If he doesn't like your he obviously thinks his **** is worth more than he thinks

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