
I Live In Ausraila What horse feed would you reccomend ??

by Guest65726  |  earlier

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Hello All, I just wanted to know what horse feed you would reccomend and why ?? What does it do for your horse

I think what I am giving my horses id great but I like to wean them off it every 2 years as they get sick of it well could you imagen eating the some thing for 2 years eww lol . So what is the feed called ?? What is the good ponits about the food/s ??

What does it do for the horses (eg: great shines coats , carmes) and also please tell me the price of the food a bag as well what tye of work is your horse in ??

Thanks heaps Kristie




  1. ok im not sure of weights, and all scoops are about say one icecream container?

    but this is what my daily feeds look like for a horse in medium work.

    note these are feeds for thoroughbred ex racers!


    Wheat/Oat Chaff- 4 scoops

    Lucerne Chaff- 1 scoop

    Oats- 1/2 scoop

    Copra- 1 scoop dry

    Mollasus- 1 scoop (diluted with water)


    W/O Chaff- 6 scoops

    Lucerne Chaff- 1 scoop

    Oats- 1/2 scoop

    Copra- 1 scoop soaked

    Boiled Barley- 1 scoop

    Boiled linseed- 1/2 scoop

    also horses should get atleast 1/3 bale of hay per day.

    average small bale- $11

    *for thin horses i like to increase the amount of boiled barley.

    i like to feed oaten or wheaten chaff, because it is a great roughage and easy to handle.

    i feed small amounts of lucerne chaff, mainly just for a variety to the feeds.

    But im also told it is good for conditioning horses and keeping them 'cool'.

    I feed Copra Cool Fuel.

    It helps to darken the coat and is also a type of 'cool' energy so the horses dont get 'fizzy'.

    To put on weight i like to use boiled barley.

    It is a great reasonably priced grain that put on plenty of weight fast.

    Linseed is great for there coat to bring out softness and shine.

    However you must boil or steam it first or it can be bad for your horse.

    I do also use oats. But not alot and only when the horses are doing enough work to maintain it without it giving them to much of an energy boost.

    And lastly mollasus its a great thing to darken coats and just makes the horse likes its feed 10x more!

    The prices for these vairy because of where we live, drought, hay shortage etc, so sorry if some prices are wrong, and also im not really kept up to date with some because i live on a farm and have my own hay, chaff and grain so i don't usually buy those things!

    Wheaten/Oaten Chaff- $26.20 per average bag

    Lucerne Chaff- $27.50 per average bag

    Copra Cool Fuel- $22 20 kg bag?

    Barley- $20 30kg bag

    Oats- $30 40kg bag

    Linseed- $5 per kilo?

    Mollasus- $7-8 for 5L

  2. economix

    its good for any type of horse, whether its competing and in hard work or not, it wont make them hot.


    has all the vitamins and mineral a horse needs in just 1 scoop a day

    other than that i just use chaff, and sometimes for flavour and to highten the fat content i use corn oil and molasses

  3. hay and some oats, apples and carrots occasionally.

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