
I Lost the family's Coat of Arms?

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Here's my trouble, How do i tell my parents that while moving from one country to another i lost my family's Coat of Arms? My cousin wants to get married under it. Problem is, i no longer have it.

I've been trying to find a company that will find your family's Coat of Arms (re do it ) and Ship it to you

But they all look like junk and fib..Do you know any Companies?

We're Elie's from France , i know ours had a cross 6 fleur de Lis and a pen and i think birds Oh and the bottom sentence says something like " Take me as i am" Prends Moi Tel que je suis i forgot and It Originated from my great Grandpa Louis Florent Chevalier Marquis de Vallierres




  1. its Alright! Dont Panic! GO To They have the crest and family history! U can also buy items with this crest on it! Mugs, Shirts, Even BIG Plaques!

                 FIrst. tell ur family what hppened! I think that they will understand!THen, Use YOUR money to buy a new one a as an early marriage gift! Itll be the lest u can do! OK?


  2. The only way to get a valid coat of arms is to write the Heraldric authority in the country from which is was granted.  The websites on the internet are just peddlers that sell them like they belong to everyone with a particular surname.  

    There frequently was more than man with the same surname, not all necessarily related,  that were granted a coat of arms, all different.  No one of these peddlers will have all of them. They don't need to in order to sell to the gullible.  The only time they will have more than one is if more than one person with the same surname from different national origins were granted one, then they will have one of each and there might have been more.

    You are correct. What they sell is junk. They are  mounted on a walnut plaque usually with a family history along side it and your family name over, under or across it.  If you had one of those on your wall, anyone knowledgeable in genealogy or heraldry that would see it wouldn't laugh only to be polite.

  3. Sorry, all the "Coat of Arms" companies I've seen will produce a coat of arms for anybody.  They are all scammers.

    Your best bet is to come clean with your cousin and tell her it is lost.  If you have suffient time, you can ask around the family and see if anybody has a picture of it.

  4. Tell them just like you did us, only soften it some with a story. You are going to have to find an heraldic artist to replace it. So sorry it's a terrible loss. You might be able to get an image by entering "Ely coat of arms" into Google and also try with Loftus and any other of the names in the history of Elie. Just to see if something comes up that you can give to a metal or leather shop because they will cost a lot less than a herald.

    VALLIÈRE (Louis-Florent, knight, then Marquis de). Born in Paris in 1719, Director of Artillery and Engineering (1747), Lieutenant General of the Armies (1748). Commander of Saint-Louis, Inspector General of the Cavalry and dragons. Governor of Martinique (1771), Governor General of Santo Domingo (1772).   Died in Port-au-Prince on April 15, 1775.

    Coat Of Arms: Loftus: (Earl of Ely, extinct 1783; descended from Nicholas Loftus, Knight, of Rathfarnham; Henry, last Earl of Ely, left three sisters, his co-heiress: 1st Mary, m. William Alcock, Esq., of of Wilton, co. Wexford; 2nd, Anne, m. Charles Tottenham, Esq., of New Ross, second son of Charles Tottenham Green, co. Wexford; 3rd, Elizabeth, m. Sir John Trottenham, Bart.,eldest son of Charles Trottenham Esq., of Trottenham Green; from their son Sir Charles Trottenham, who was testamentary heir of his uncle, the last Earl of Ely, descends the Marquess of Ely). Sable a chevron engrailed Ermine between three trefoils slipped argent. Crest: A boars head erased and erect argent langued Gules. Supporters: Two eagles, wings inverted argent each charged on the breast with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto: Prends moi tel que je suis. N.B. Nicholas, first Baron Loftus, of Loftus hall, and Viscount Ely, the father of the first Earl of Ely, bore the same arms as Adam Loftus, Archbishop of Dublin, and for Supporters, two eagles proper charged with a trefoil also proper.

    The current Marquess of Ely is Sir Charles John Tottenham. The reason for the change in surname, was due to the fact that Henry, Earl of Ely and 4th Viscount Loftus (b 18/11/1709) had no children, and at his demise his estates and titles devolved upon the son of his sister, the Right Hon. Charles Tottenham. He assumed the surname and arms of Loftus in 1783. The coat of arms of the Marquess of Ely is therefore still that of the Loftus family. It is illustrated in Burke's, and is roughly the same as that currently on the webpages. The crest is similar, but the supporters are two eagles.

    The mottoes are, (under the arms) "Prends moi tel que je suis" which means "Take me such as I am", and over the crest "Loyal a mort" which translates into "Faithful unto death".

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