
I Love Money....12 pack sent home?

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I cant believe Toasty sent 12 pack home. Who do you think will get sent home next and who do you want to win? I cant stand Megan but she does do a good job of being a back stabber. Does anyone know of any rumors about who REALLY wins? I personally am rooting for The Entertainer.







  2. i can't stand white boy, everyone follows him around like he's the messiah. they're all a bunch of stupid little peasants following around the "lord" of the house. he's so manipulative that he actually was able to get in between two brothers and make them pick one of themselves to go in the box!!! i can't believe no one in the house sees this. the stallionairs are a bunch of pigs and i hope one of the girls win...preferably toasty if not then the entertainer because i always love the underdog that everyone hates :)

  3. This is supposedly what happens (I'm not making this up, I am personally a Real Fan). In the final episode there are two competitions, one to determine the final three (out of four) and one to determine the winner. The final four are Megan, Heather, White Boy and Hoopz. Hoopz loses the first competion and Heather wins the second one and thus takes the money.

    I don't know how true this is, but it's all over the net!

  4. I know seriously. Megan is such a manipulator.

    Like if the Entertainer sent Whiteboy home instead of Heat in the early episode then things would of been so much more smoothly for 12 pack and his alliance. I actually want The Entertainer to win, hes is just a character. Lol, and he really needs to get out of his parents house.

    Out of everyone, I hope Megan does not win, or Hoops.

    I was really rootin for 12 pack, and wanted him to win. Though oh well, he put his trust in the wrong people.

  5. i wanted him to go home.

    he was so confident that he was not going anywhere.

    lol the look on his face when toastee said "12 Pack Your Check Is Voided"

    but if you think about it. . .

    megan is really the one who sent 12 pack home.

    but im glad he is gone.

    and people are saying that Brandi C won.

  6. I am really upset that 12 pack got sent home. He was my favorite competetor on the show, and he stayed strong to his alliance, even when everyone else kept switching things up. I didn't like that he put himself in the box, because when people are too confident, that is what usually bites them in the butt. I really wanted her to send home white boy, but I guess Megan's little scheme was too pursuasive. I haven't heard any rumors of who wins. I am actually hoping that either the entertainer or heather will go home. I don't like Megan at all, so am hoping she'll go home soon.  

  7. the entertainer will not win sorry to burst your little bubble, he has crossed to many people and I can't wait for his ignorant a$$ to go. I love the witeboy alliance and hope one of them win. They have been through it all defeat, backstabbing, and still standing strong yeahhhh

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