
I Love Money? Anyone else sad 12 Pack went home?

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I don't even want to watch now. He was the only decent person on the show. I don't even know who to root for. That Stallionaire alliance is disgusting, Real showed his thug side when he was about to pop a cap in Pumpkin, Whiteboy is just gross. Megan is sooooo evil, and Hoopz betrayed the team SHE created.

Sadly the Entertainer seems like the best hearted person on the show now. Heather and Brandy C. are ok but boring.

Is anyone else so sad about 12 Pack leaving.

I f'ing HATE Toasty, I hope she gets hers on the reunion show!

I just want a good person to win:(





    i didn't even want to watch this anymore after destiney went home,  i really liked her. i want the enterainter to win, if he doesn't win ima fcking just be so pissed at VH1.

    12 pack was such a good player ! he never lied to anyone he always kept his word . i can't believe he trusted toastee. toastee is a f u ck ing lying w***e. she sent destiney & 12 pack home. *****.

    i like the entertainer, heather , brandi c is okay &thats it. i used to like megan cus she was so sneaky and stuff but she made everyone changed their mind about whiteboy !


    wtf did you see Real was wearing a Stallianare shirt last night. that's hella stupid.

    hoopz is so fake i hate her !

    pumpkin is seriously annoying & i hate toastee. end of story.

    arghghgh . 12 pack looked so nice last night in his red suit & he completely trusted toastee ! ! i just can't believe she sent him home. D:

  2. Nah.. lol i didn't really like him.. I liked Chance and the Stallionaire's.. and i hate the "Secret" Blond allianceance.. there so dumb >.<


    I <3 this Show

  3. i hate toastee she is a lieing 2/face ***** okay  she can't keep her word she said she was going to have destiny's back instead of sending reel home she sent her.  and instead of white boy she send home 12pack(my12 pack)  how could she,  him,heather, n entrainer were all true to there team,  toastee is getting played by meagan  dumbass

  4. Oh yeah, I agree with you 100%!! I can't stand the Stallionaires, I don't know how people like them, they are horrible. They came into the game thinking they were going to play and manipulate people to and then boot the people that helped them one by one until it was the 4 of them. Then they FLIPPED OUT when Pumpkin ruined their evil little plan. Hoopz, picked her own team just to betray them. Chance didn't do a d**n thing to help his team. Real and Whiteboy think they are entitled to be the winner for no reason whatsoever. I hate Megan, people are going to feel like fools when they see how she played them all. Toasty needs to get hers soon, lying b****, LOL. I hope Entertainer, Heather, shoot even Brandy or Pumpkin, as long as it's not the other 2 faced liars!  

  5. i wanted him to go home.

    he was so confident that he was not going anywhere.

    lol the look on his face when toastee said "12 Pack Your Check Is Voided"

    but if you think about it. . .

    megan is really the one who sent 12 pack home.

    but im glad he is gone.

  6. l want someone from the Stallionaires alliance to win, don't really care which one. I'm also anxious for all those blonde bimbos to get voided, can't stand ANY of them period!! I was glad they sent the 6-pack home!!

  7. i disagree wit you... i was glad he went home... i like the stallionaire alliance and megan... but i hate toastee too...

  8. (I Love Money? Anyone else sad 12 Pack went home?)

    Yes........... I was so sad. Not only is he  handsome, nice, sweet guy, he's a great athlete. He's a good guy.

    That was really dirty the way Toaste did him. However, I knew she was not going to keep him in the game, if you look at her face when there out on their power outing  Toaste and 12 Pack where having there one on one and the whole time Toaste would not look him in the face I knew then she was not going to keep him in the game although I think she wanted too, but she was to busy listening to her alliance which is being manipulated by megan

  9. Anyone else really pissed they only showed one episode?  

    I was shocked 12 pack went home, he was good for the show since he could actually win challenges, now whiteboy will win any physical challenge

    I hate Megan, but her schemes are brilliant

  10. I LOOVE the Entertainer. I hope he wins. I am sad about 12 pack and Destiney. I'm actually starting to respect Whiteboy as a gameplayer, and I am PISSED they didn't play the back to back episodes last night.

    And Toastee is a lying s**t!

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