so i was dating this girl, i loved her so much and she loved me so much, all sudden one day on my birthday, she broke up with me, not becuz she stoped loving me, becuz she said i was controling her life alot, and she is tierd of it, but she still loves me alot, so anyway, after 1 week of dumping me, she dated another guy, whic burnt me to death, but i could feel that she did that to make me jealous, so after 2 weeks she broke up with her bf and she called me , and start crying and told me that shes gona do anything to get me back and she loves me alot, i felt bad and i loved her too and since i felt like she needs help i said ok il think about it ,and one day after she said that, she told me that she changed her mind, and she loves the guy again and shes going back in a relationship with him, i got really pissed off so i told her to not call me ever again, and after 3 days she broke up again with her bf, and the day that they broke up her friend called , and she was like : hey whats up im hanging out with (my ex) and i said ok thats cool, im just wondering if you guys think there is still a chance of me and her getting back or what should i do?
thank you :)