
I Lust this girl but i dnt know how to tell her i dnt want to freak her out?

by  |  earlier

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ok she a friends n my mates x gf for 4 months now

we flirt alot

im 17 she 16




  1. just tell her. just do it.

  2. be stright with her tell her how it is just rember this

  3. if you like her that much then just tell her if she freaks she freaks thenat least u'll know how she feels

  4. Be romantic with her. People our age want romance. Well, we want s*x too, but most of us want a candle lit dinner, poetry, flowers, blah blah blah. Buy her flowers, write her a poem or something. Be nice to her.

    If she isn't that type of person, the next time you flirt with her, bring the question up. Or just be frank. Say, "I like you...a lot."

    The whole, lusting for her...well....if you are talking about s*x..go m********e. But if you lust for her love and beautfy. A. That's sooooo romantic!!!! *blinks eyes.* and B. Tell her that.

    Sometimes, men need to be a little more outgoing. I mean, I know a billion guys who would die to go out with me, but do they ask me out? No. They either send me a note during class telling me I look nice, or they just smell me hair and then pretend the're not doing anything. : )

    A little note dear, Girls are heard to deal with at 16. Try not to catch her when she's on that time of the month. It will s***w everything up. She'll be cranky, and if you catch her before it, you'll be in trouble. Sometimes Pms brings crazy love sick emptions but for the most part, it's RARW!! Imagin bugs bunny's head being eaten by a mountain lion...lion=she, get the point. So if any of your friends know when that time of hers is, get it from them so you don't catch her at a bad time.

    If your talking about sexualy dear? m********e and you'll feel better. I mean, I udnerstand. I'm a girl, an I'm 15 who want men men men all the time. And woman.....but the point is, is that when your at this age, these freaking hormones make you think all sorts of things. I'm not saying it's not love, but it could just be s*x. If you just want s*x, leave her alone if you don't want to hurt her...unless she's a harlot..then who cares about her feelings.

    Anyway, good luck and godbless./blessed be.

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