

by  |  earlier

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okay so i have been really wanting to dye my hair. and i have done it before. but this time i accidentally dyed some of my eye brows. and my hair has random blonde spots in it cause i accidentally hit my hair when i was dying it. and its like 2 in tha morning. and i cant get more hair dye. and dont tell me to wait until tom.WHAT DO I DO?




  1. hmm, try putting layers in on the spots were the dye hit ur hair, also dont worry about it, now u have a good story to tell lol. :P

  2. u have to make ur questions more specific...dude r u tlaking about ur hair or eyebrows!!!!??...if eyebrows then put eyeliner or mascara or permanent marker on ur eyebrows until tomorrow..theres nothing else u can do til then hunny child!

    XxMegan MassacrexX

  3. ohhh

    that really sucks

    go to a hair stylist

  4. leave it like it is till tomorrow

    thats all u can do

    unless u still have extra hairdye left

    if so then use the left overs  

  5. There's really nothing you CAN do until tomorrow, sweetie.

    Maybe try bleaching it yourself with peroxide or something?

    It will damage your hair, but if you do it well enough it will at least be one color.

    Other than that I really don't think there's much else you can do.

    Sorry !

  6. use mascra on yr eyebrows

    nd jst tie yr hair up till tmrw

  7. Lol! Sorry that's pretty funny!

  8. I think you'll have to wait intill tomarrow. Just wear a hat in till y ou can get more dye. Good luck.  

  9. get a professional:]

  10. Haha. That sucks.

    Get it professionally fixed, I guess.

  11. i feeel so soorry for u lol!!!!! i have no idea what u should do!!!

    maybe call a friend or something!!!

    goood luck!!

  12. just leave it and tell ppl u r going for a new look and u want to be different, and maybe it might be the look of the future

  13. if you can't afford to have it fixed professionally, dye it all over again tomorrow

  14. aww sweetie im sorry

    but the best thing for you to do is to pour diet coke over your hair to strip the color..i heard this really works but i cant guarantee..good luck hun

  15. shampoo it until the color fades

    you can color your eye brows with an eyeliner pencil

    or just wear your hair up  

  16. it is ok sorry for telling this u go to the beauty pallor they will tell what to do  

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