
I Moving To Miami, Fl In About 3 Month.s I'm Starting Off With Nothing. ?

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I'm Mostly, Starting In Florida With Nothing But A Car. Clothes. And A Little Bit Of Money. I'm Wanting To Know If There Are Cheap Place.s To Live ? I Have A GED. Is It Hard To Find A Job ?




  1. Its tough right know but if you speak some spanish and you have a trade you should be good but I dont know why u would do that Fl sucks

  2. yea there are cheap places to live but if you are just starting out i suggest getting a roommate.  since you have a car dont have to find a place downtown on in sobe so thats good.  depends on what type of job you want...its not hard to find jobs in restaurants hostpitality etc.  its miami and it runs off of tourism also if you speak spanish you will find a job faster.  

  3. Cheap places to live? Not really, check out craigslist for cheap places where you can room with other people. You can get a cheap apartment but you will be living in a more savory part of Miami to live cheap.

    Is it hard to find a job? It can be, depends on what skills you have. If you are coming here hoping to find construction work, stay where you are. Most of the jobs here are going to be service and tourist related. You don't have to speak Spanish to get a job (I don't speak it) and I have a really good job. It will help you, but it is not a must.

  4. I would have to say look up a local Miami newspaper online and click on the jobs and apartment section and see if the range is in your area...then you go there with an idea of what you want and can afford.

    If job hunting is dismal I'd say hit the temp is a start... Good luck.

  5. the economy in florida is not doing so well right now with the credit crisis and housing bubble bursting.  so good luck there.


  6. How much rent can you afford? You dont want to move here without a plan because Miami has become expensive.

    If you need some advice feel free to email me.


  7. >> If There Are Cheap Place.s To Live ? <<


    >> I Have A GED. Is It Hard To Find A Job ? <<

    Yes.  It will help if you can speak Spanish.  If not, look further north.

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