
I NEED A GUYS OPINION! booty call???

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I was at this party and a guy friend of mine that I don't see very often showed up. and well instantly i got a big hug and we talked for an hour or so but it was hard to hear so he asked if i wanted to leave so we went out to his car and talked there, but of course one thing led to another and ya we had s*x, but we made it clear we go to seperate colleges and a relationship would just be stupid with the new year coming up. so im back at school and back with my old bf (we were on a break in which he was with his ex) but i cant stop thinking of my friend. my friend keeps messaging me but it's not on a daily basis, and we cant talk about it cause my bf is always around, and i dont want to come off clingy to my friend.

(some background on my situation)

I've always been attracted to him but we are both big flirts and so i just never really thought we would be more than friends. He will randomly facebook me every month or so or text me and ask how lifes going and tell me i should drop by his work. and ever since ive known him he makes fun of who I date, even though he's never met any of them. we have alot in common, and really similar personalities. but he is also a major flirt who has alot of random friends who are girls.

so basically, am i just a good friend to him or maybe more???




  1. Seems to me like he's thinking friends with benefits.  The fact that he didn't disappear after one encounter tells you that he's not trying to "hit it and quit it."  OTOH, your long history with him suggests that he would like a relationship with you even if being exclusive isn't practical.  So the question comes down to what you want.  Are you happy with your current bf and committed to being exclusive with him?  If the answer is no, maybe you should drop by your friend's work sometime and see what follows.  But don't tell your bf that there's no one else if there is; if you're going to see other people, be honest about it.

  2. He seems like he has a crush on you pretty bad, if you like him you should go out with him or tell him you feel the same way.  He doesn't like the fact that you have a boyfriend, so in guy terms that means he wants you and thinks the other guy isn't good enough for you.

  3. whats your questen? well i guess you mean you want more then just give it to him

  4. Sounds like he likes you about as much as you like him. Just a little s*x every once in awhile. Not fair to your current BF.

  5. Sounds like he likes you but not in a potential bf way. Don't read too much into his flirty behaviour because it is just that.  

  6. It's hard to say. If you don't know, how can I?

    He sounds a little insecure. Not all guys put down their rivals. (Jeez! Generalizations!)

    I'd say he's not such a good prospect. I don't think that's what you want to hear.

  7. ask him and i think your old bf has olso have cheated  

  8. It sounds like he thinks of you as more than just a friend. Or it's also possible he just wants to keep you interested so that you can be his friend with benefits when he does see you. Hard to tell. Good luck figuring it out!

  9. So although you don't want anything more you do.... Because you are wondering if he wants more.

    Well he might not want more if you already have one boyfriend.

    his way of 'amking fun of the ppl you date' is him trying to put those ppl down while making his stock look good... Its not meant bad towarsd the people you date its just a 'guy' thing that we do.

    He may like you he may not, the only way to find out is to ask.

    Oh, and one thing doesn't lead to another to s*x....... If only that were the case.... starting talkign and before you knwo it he was inside of me... uh huh ha ha ha lol

  10. Maybe the party thing got you thinking. See, you seem to be a decent girl and sound pretty happy with your bf. At this stage, I'd say keep in contact with the other guy but stay with your bf. Just be friends with the other chap.

    Atleast you seem interested unlike her -

  11. s*x always changes the status of the relationship.  Since you had s*x with him you're more than a friend.

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