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This is what I need advice on

1.Boy boys boys.





6.Getting lost (my school is huge its a middle school and high school)

7. The gossip girls the mean girls the populars


9.Making friends without being so shy

And last but not least





  1. I just finished 6th grade.

    1. Boys are VERY immature at this age, but you will probably have a "boyfriend" during your middle school years.

    2.I like to put a hair band in and just leave my down. Keep it simple.

    3.Just a little lip gloss is OK. Don't wear too much. I never wore makeup in 6th grade.

    4. Most people like American Eagle, Aeropostale, Abercrombie, and hollister at this age. It's OK to have some of these, but try to be original.

    5.Homework is extremely easy. I did all of mine in class in 6th grade.

    6. Everybody will be as lost as you are on the first day. Just, whatever you do, don't ask a 7th or 8th grader for directions, they like to lie.

    7. Just ignore them. Have your own group of friends, don't follow the crowd. The people that are popular in middleschool are usually nothing in highschool.

    8.Probably won't be kissing in 6th grade, I didn't. Just a kiss on the cheek is OK. Don't get pressured into something you don't want to do.

    9. Just be nice and smile to everyone. If you see a potential friend, just go up to them and introduce yourself. They probably feel the same way as you do. What's the worst that could happen?

    10. Don't hang out with the wrong people, and you won't have to worry about drama. If drama comes your way. just ignore it, and eventually it will fade. Just pretend you don't care.

  2. 1. BOYS? Already? Girl, I didn't have a boyfriend till my freshman year in high school! Don't worry too much about guys, you've got a lot in front of you. I felt the same way, I wanted to be loved back in the sixth grade but it wasn't important. Don't worry about them too much.

    2. Fix it in whatever style you think looks good. I had long hair and people liked it but just be yourself.

    3. Make-up? I wouldn't worry about that too much! I don't even wear any right now and I'm a sophomore in high school. Sometimes, make up can irritate a young person's skin and it's a lot of work putting it on. Natural beauty is the true beauty!

    4. Be yourself, again. I dressed in whatever the heck I wanted and I didn't care if anyone liked it or not. Dress in style but don't dress like a geek. Dress in whatever you like and remember that not everyone is going to like what you wear. SO WHAT? As long as you're happy with yourself.

    5. Sixth grade homework isn't hard at all. Just pay attention and you shouldn't have a problem at all. If you pay attention all the time, you'll get most of the material.

    6. Don't panic about getting lost, it's the thing that will get you lost. My high school is five floors and it's so huge!!! But before school started, I toured the building and I found the best ways to get there. Just remain calm and at orientation, just find your classrooms and tour the building with your parents.

    7. -The gossip girls. Those people just talk a whole bunch of c**p and most of the time it's a "he said/she said" kind of thing. Most of the time, they don't know what's the truth and they gossip to find the truth. They don't know what they're talking about, trust me. -The mean girls. The mean girls think they're all that but you know what, they're self esteem is really low and they want to drag you down along with them. If they say your outfit is ugly or you're ugly, whatever, just smile and agree with them but don't let it get to your head now! When you agree with them, they'll stop. If they don't, tell someone. -The populars. Don't ever go to the max just to fit in with those kind of people. You're you. Just because they're popular doesn't mean they're mean or whatever. I have a lot of popular girl friends (I'm a band geek, BTW) and they're the nicest people ever!

    8. Girl, don't even consider KISSING! You'll get pregnant before high school like that. I've never been pregnant but if you ask your mom, it really really sucks so just stay away from it if you really want to have a good life. I didn't get my first kiss till ninth grade. So just stay away from guys and kissing for now. I'm not saying that you can't like a guy, just be careful.

    9. I was shy back in 6th grade becuase I was different. To make a good friend, be a good friend. If you see someone alone, talk to them. Be considerate and that's how I made a lot of my friends.

    10. Drama is the result of gossip. Don't mind gossip. It's like a big game of telephone. The message gets distorted as it goes along the line. So just don't make trouble and stay out of it and if a dangerous rumor is spread, consult a counselor or your teacher. Rumors hurt.

    Well, I hope I'm helping with this. Good luck!

  3. First of all, don't worry too much about boys ... be yourself and focus on actually learning and getting an education, keep close to your VERY trusted friends and don't fall into all of the drama.

    If you get lost, simply ask a teacher or another adult where to go...they'll be more than willing to help you.

    Like I said before, just be yourself...and friends will come to you. Try not to be so shy, I was just like that once, and now I'm pretty open...

    Stay OUT of the drama, ignore it. You DO NOT have to be part of it...

  4. you math reading writing

  5. Alright, let's see what I can say,lol.

    1. Boys- First off, [[ EWW! ]] JK. 6th grade is a tad too early for that kind of thing. Lay off, don't be focused on that "subject" ,lol.

    2.Hair- Well, everyone has their own personality. Style your hair anyway you want. Just don't make it to the point whereas you have all of the Cardinal Directions in your hair,lol.

    3.- Makeup- I didn't put makeup on in 6th grade [ with a few exceptions,lol ] . If you want to, just put a little on like, mascara, a little lipgloss and if you have skin problems, some of that mineral thing,lol.

    4.-Clothes- SHOW YOUR STYLE!! WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT!! :D [ thats within the guidelines,lol ]

    5.HW- 6th grade is kinda like 5th grade, they just kick it up a LITTLE notch and you learn new things. Trust me, it's easah,lol. :]

    6.Getting Lost- Ask the adults, [ teachers,etc. ] or some of the kids, dont be too shy. *-* Also, if you want to be more prepared, go to the Orientation/Walk About. :D

    7.The populars- Don't let them get to ya, just focus on your schoolwork and stuff. ^^

    8. Kiss- EW- ing - Don't-worry-about-that. X.x

    9. Friends- Show your personality, dont be so shy. Smile, act friendly, people will soon come to ya,lol.

    10. Drama- Stay out of it. It's not your problem. :)


    <3 :D

  6. Okay here some advice.

    Boys in the 6th grade are VERY immature! So dont worry about them too much they just add lots of DRAMA that you dont need.

    Hair. Ahh do your hair anyway you please.

    Makeup. I started wearing a little bit of makeup in the 6th grade. Nothing too extreme, a little eyeshadow and a bit of mascara and thats about it.

    Clothes. Once again wear what YOU like. Be who YOU are. && if people dont like you then they can suck an egg.:)

    The homework is extremely easy dont worry about it.

    If you dont want to get lost alwayskeep your schedual with you, and if you still cant find your wayy around ask for a map.

    "The gossip girls" are lame. They pick on others to try and hide all the things they hate about themseleves.

    DONT KISS. You are much too younge for that.

    Its easy not to be shy. Just be who you are and people should like you just for that.

    DRAMA! Ahh its so lame in middle school sweetie. Dont even worry.


    Here are some links that might help you.

  7. 1) girl you dont need to worry. it comes from the inside,'re in the SIXTH grade!

    2) if yours is long, cut it in layers. TRUST me you'll love it (no matter if its curly or straight). if its short, well theres nothing more to do.

    3) makeup is for those girls who have a problem with their face. i dont think you have a problem with your own face, do you? lipgloss and mascara is an exception ;)

    4) wear clothes that are comfortable, nothing to make you look good. because you are either meant to look good, or meant to stay good. (it'll take a while for you to get that)

    5) do the work as much as you can in school.

    - understand everything..

    - if there are doubts, ask a teacher right away. beacause if you miss out on something, then you will not get the next thing. its ALL connected.

    - help and be helped

    - join clubs of homework and/or peer tutors or something like that

    6) you can always ask teachers nearby. stay in big groups of friends. and you'll get used to it, for sure.

    7) ignore those. they just need a life, and a little attention. you not giving them any attention is two eyes less. then maybe others will do what you do.

    8) be yourself ... you're in grade SIX.

    9) be yourself, be confident, be nice.

    10) drama, acting, is a talent, not something to practice about.

    Just be yourself and you will love your school and friends. Im glad you care about yourself and all these things.

    I could've given you better answers, but for that i need to know more about you.


  8. 1. Boys get much cuter in middle school but some of them act like big bags of hormones so they will do pretty immature stuff, like humping anything that doesnt move like lockers and desks lol. Those years that boys and girls thought each other had cooties are over. So, youre most likely to have a boyfriend

    2. Wear your hair the way you want it

    3. All you need is a little lip gloss. Dont wear too much for your age

    4. Dont dress to sleazy but dont dress too goody two shoes either

    5. Teachers look at you as a young adult, so the amount of homework you would get for a full day at elemenary school, will be about the amount of homework you get for each class at middle school.

    6. Try and make friends with some of the older kids,so that they can help you get around the school. If you dont have any older friends, stay with your normal group of friends. Dont try and find your way alone, because if you go with friends, at least they will get lost with you

    7. Gossip girls: Dont tell them any secrets that you dont want spread

    The Mean Girls: Beware and Avoid them

    The Populars: The populars arent so bad once you get to know them

    8. If youre ready for kissing then go for it but I suggest you practice on a pillow lol

    9. Join clubs and play sports so that you can make friends. You will be so used to being around them at club meetings and sports practice that you wont need to be shy

    10. Drama is what makes Middle school fun. Without it, it would be boring. Just make sure that youre not the one involved in drama and if you are, get out of it ASAP

  9. Boys: Don't be too worried for boys, as your still a bit young for that..

    Hair: A ponytail or something like that should be fine, curls, maybe layers.

    Makeup: Don't worry about that until next year, but I think a bit of lip gloss should be fine.

    clothes: Just be yourself and wear the clothes you have and want to wear, just don't show too much skin or going overboard.

    homework: Always do your homework the day it's assigned becaue if you leave it at the last minute you'll regret it. (Happened to me last year)

    "Gossip girls": Just ignore them, don't even try to be like them or try to stand up to them and start a argument, if they say something just ignore it and walk on.

    Kissing: I think you wouldn't be ready for that, as you're in the 6th grade.

    Making friends: Don't be mean to anyone and try to talk to people in your classes and sit with them, if that doesn't work out then try another person, but don't annoy them or do it too much, as some of them might think you're desperate if you try to hard.

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