
I NEED ADVICE..i feel like dying..whats the most i would get in trouble?

by  |  earlier

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So a while ago some girls were making fun of me and i was really mad that night and went home and made some "doodles" of them and called them bad know w***e s**t etc. i cant remember if i swore. So the teacher found it by where i was sitting and i think she has my folder but she said she didnt but the note was in that. I only brought that notebook that day and i forgot they were in it so i ripped it out. She said if nobody "confessed" she would turn it over to the office for investigation. She said everyone would get interviewed. A friend of mine said i should email her and tell her...but would the girls i wrote it about have to be involved..OMG i am so scared. HELP ME. i am desperate. THIS WAS NOT INTENDED FOR ANYONE TO SEE BUT ME.

WHat the worse that could happen to me would i get suspended or would my rents find out or would the other girls get involved?? im dying to read your answers..

MN state policy?

nah im not crazy and im not going to sna




  1. uhm freedom of speach??? as long as you didnt put it in public then thats fine, i mean, you didnt mean for other people to see that so i think you have all the right to say whatever you want... and nah, i dont think you will get suspended and if you do, you can sue the school.. if i were u, i wouldnt care becauze there is a bigillion people in school and is not that they are gonna finger print and bring detectivese to see who wrote that.. unless u threatened to bomb the school and kill everyone... but if you dont want to do that you can just go to your teacher privately and tell her that that day you were really pissed at everyone and that you randomly wrote that because you wanted  to express your anger.. just tell her that you didnt want the other people to read it or anyone, just tell her that thats the way you throw out your anger... in my oppinion you have all the right to do that...

  2. I say that you would most likely just get suspended from school.

  3. All of the above and some  not even thought of yet

      EVERYBODY is responsible for their actions ESPECIALLY

    when you might hurt others, such as parents.

    Actions vs reaction is the lesson to be learnt

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