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Well its long. But it all started back before Christmas this year. One night for no reason I cut myself all up my arm. The next day I skipped a couple classes and went to the school consular. I told my family later that night. I went to the doctors and he said I would be fine. Well since then I have cut myself over 17 times. And I cut myself again last night on my thigh. I have also smoked before. And I am trying to get more cigs. I have also drunk wine before. I actually just drank some and now I feel really sick. I have been fighting with my family for a long time on what I wear. I feel really depressed right now and I don't know what to do.




  1. First you need to talk to someone, I mean Really talk.

    Are you in school, can you talk to your teacher?

    Cutting is caused by an underlying problem, you need to find the problem and confront it, then you can start healing. but you cant do this on your own, speak to your teacher, doctor or parent, right now please.

  2. Go to the nearest hospital and tell them you need to talk to somebody. You need to talk to a therapist to help you with your cutting and depression.  

  3. Well I believe that one of the reasons why you are probably facing this is because it says that your name is GOTH G which I'm thinking that you are gothic.Well I think that you are facing this because you are worshiping satan.I think it's time that you learn who the real GOD is.I used to be a cutter.Cutting is a false sense of relief and pleasure.You worry about a lot of things after you do it.You worry about people finding out,you worry about getting sent to a mental institution,you worry about what people will think about you if they find out,you will worry about infection and you will worry about what it will do to your body and everything.Cutting is not the answer.Smoking isn't the answer either.Smoking will hurt you.It's good that you told someone about what you are doing to yourself.Drinking is bad too.But I do think that you have a right to what you wear,you have to walk around in it.I don't think that you should wear stuff that represents something bad.I wouldn't advise that you fight with your family either.You will need them in the long run.Now I know that you probably don't want me to touch on this subject but I'm going to say it.You need to find Jesus Christ.Things will get worse if you continue to worship satan.Satan doesn't love you and satan doesn't care either.GOD loves you and GOD cares.I'm not condemning you,I'm trying to help you.If you worship GOD and turn from your ways of worshiping satan then I think that you will se a good change in your life.I think that you are depresed in your life because of what you're doing but also because you are very unhappy with doing the things that you are doing.Smoking,Cutting,Drinking,Skipping Classes,Worshiping satan,you're unhappy with all of this.You think that doing all of this will help and make you feel better when all it is really doing is making things worse.We've all made mistakes in our life and we are foriven by them.You should really consider changing your life around and asking Jesus Christ to be your personal savior.I think you're unhappy with your lifestyle.You are probably a really nice,pretty young lady.There's nothing wrong with expressing yourself.But you need to express yourself in the right way.I think that you need to also rekindle your relationship with your parents too.That would help.Have you ever seen people that smoke and drink?Do you know where it leads them?You don't want to end up like them.It becomes an addiction.You said that you are wanting more of it so it's already became an addiction to you.But it can stop.There's always hope.Skipping classes is bad too.You will start failing when you do that and have to repeat the grade again.But personally,I think that all of this is coming from who you are worshiping.Do you think that no one cares about you?Do you think that no one wants to help you?If you want me to talk to you more about salvation or if you just want to talk to me,you can email me whenever.I hope that I helped.I think that you should pray to the one and true GOD about this too.GOD listens.Don't give up hope either,there's alway hope.I also hope tat you grasped what I said and put a little thought into considering getting saved so GOD BLESS you!

  4. Sweety, take it from a LONG time cutter (3 years with over 350 cuts and scars) You need to get some help. Cutting is such a crazy addiction and it can take over your life worse than alcoholism. Talk with your school counselor, or your doctor and ask them if they can set up a meeting with a therapist. I know it may seem drastic, but the longer that you put it off, the more painful, dangerous and impossible it gets.

    Please dont hesistate to email, im here to help.

    Xo Maggie

  5. Well i almost hav the problem and i know tht it's really bad 2 be in this alone......When i first started 2 cut i was alone and then i tried 2 tell my mom about it but she would not listen 2 me and then i told my bset friend about it and she helped me though it, because she went though the same thing 2.Now about the smoking & the drinking they both can make u get some sort of cancer if u keep on durin tht and i would cann't let u do tht 2 yourself........And i'm not goin 2 stop u from cuttin yourself but u need 2 stop doin it, what if when u cut yourself u cut deep in your skin and u cut something tht is not supposed 2 be and u die, even though i don't know u, i still LOVE u any ways....And if u hav any more questions just call me at (310) 637-2108 and my name is Cameryn...........Love u always,


  6. You need to go back to the doctor and ask if they can give you places to go to git help. If not then talk to your family and ask if they can help. Or get in a room with nothing in it(at your mom house) an don't come out.(lol)

  7. Do you have friends and family turn to?
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