
I NEED HELP..Any ideals?

by  |  earlier

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Can someone please give me good advice on what I can do to get out of my miserable situation which seems to be getting worse. Its a long story (sorry) but you can read it here please read everything.

I've tried almost everything I can think of but nothing seems to help. The few church's I've went to either have a waiting list or are more interested in helping ex-drug addicts and illegal immigrates not that they don't need help but I NEED HELP TO! E-panhandling doesn't work cause there's to many scammers, my mailbox has 104 scam letters. The thing that makes me mad is why people want to hurt true people in need. Don't get me wrong it works both ways some of those people don't need help. And I don't want to take out a loan cause either way I'll still be paying back money plus with a extra fee....




  1. find a Mosque near your area....hopefully a pious man can help you

  2. I would help you if I could but I have my own problems.

    God Bless you

  3. Girl common you have to develop self-confidence and be bold "Locks are not manufactured without key" this means there are solutions for every problems.

    Good luck.

  4. There are many organizations that could help, but you don't say where you are.  Have you checked with any local homeless shelters, or the salvation army, or even your local social services?  I know where I live there is an organization that is a food pantry, emergency shelter, transistional housing, has classes and does everything they can to ensure people have the basic needs in life so they can take a step forward in life and eventual get on their feet again.  You wouldn't believe how many people show up at churches asking for money or food.  Most churches now go through already existing organizations and assist them rather shell out assistance to everyone who knocks at their door.  So instead of asking for assistance, ask if they know of any group that might assist you, they usually have a list of those.  Don't give up.  No one ever said that life was easy.  You need to keep moving forward, you will find help if you keep looking.

  5. Tumne to pahle hi depressed naam rakh liya hai

    You have already kept your name as depressed

    so first change your name and im press ed

  6. be bold

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