

by  |  earlier

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i keep havin this dream. im @ a party and im talkin 2 my friend tim but while we're talkin i hear people talkin bout 2 people who hooked up.people come to me and tell me if i need 2 talk then theyre there for me noone tells me what 4. i get tired of it and ask a blond girl whats happenin and she points to da couch. there i see my gf kissin ben (a kid i hate alot) and i scream what the heck is goin on. ben looks up and says shes w/ me now. then i always wake up. how do i make it stop




  1. Sounds like classic subtle insecurity feelings. Doesn't mean you actually think she will leave you but things could be going so good you dream about "what if it ends"? Normal. Means nothing as far as you needing to change anything.

  2. dream is about fear your gf will hook up w/ some jerk (not necessarily Ben-- he's a stand-in for ALL jerks, in your dream...) you're aware of these feelings, consciously (blonde girl-- blonde hair symbolizes cerebral- waking consciousness) but are afraid to acknowledge them (people say they are there for you, but 'you don't know why', even after you hear talk of 'hooking up'-- in other words, you know, but don't want to know, that you fear gf hooking up w/ some jerky guy.) you 'get tired of it and ask a blond girl whats happenin'-- you're exhausted by these anxiety-producing thoughts, and force the worst to happen, subconsciously, in the dream state... hope this helps, & that your fears are unfounded... good luck, & sweet dreams!

    alternate interpretation: gf represents your feminine side, and you feel that this guy Ben is somehow taking advantage of your good nature-- you're 'there for him', and you don't know why, 'cause he's such a jerk-- you're 'tired of it,' and you bring this thought into your waking consciousness, symbolized by the blonde girl pointing out the action 'on the couch'-- symbol of psychoanalysis-- you're analyzing/dealing with these feelings of animosity towards Ben, in the dream, and you think 'what the heck is going on? how do I stop this?' in other words-- 'why am I being so nice to this guy, actively engaging him (symbolized by gf/ feminine side kissing him) & going against my true feelings?' In your waking life, your feminine side is somehow (consciously or unconsciously) colluding with this Ben, the jerk-- you're 'with him' ('she's with me, now...') even though emotionally, you hate his guts-- it goes against the grain-- and you're acting out this conflict, in the dream...

  3. It mean u love her a lot ,u fear to loos her but she not gona leav u.

  4. To dream that you are at a party, suggests that you need to get out more and enjoy yourself. If the party is bad, then it indicates that you are unsure of your social skills. your friend represents your relationship with him and what your feelings are. Sympathy from others means that you want  others to be there for you when bad things happen. the couch represents laziness, boredom, relaxation and rest. It means you have to calm down about certain things. Your girlfriend represents romance. Her and the couch mean that you need to stop stressing out about some things in a relationship or you might lose her ( her kissing another) Your enemy represents that you are in denial about something. Him talking to you means that you have found a solution to some problem. hope this helps

  5. ...uh

  6. maybe ur gf will brake up wit u dats wat happen to diz friend of mine and a week later their relationship was over u better make sure dat ur gf still has feelings 4 u and also make sure dat ur keeping her happy and 4 now try and concentrate on ur relationship a little more to make sure everything is ok dats all can say hope it  works.

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