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i have a problem with my best friend. im a guy and my best friend is a girl. shes having problems at school with these other girls, she has a class with three of them and they talk really bad and mean about her in this class but they talk loud enough so she can hear them. i need to know what to do about this. i never see these three girls at all but i need to get them to stop doing this to her. shes the sweetest person i know and deserves way way better. any ideas would really help!!!!!?????




  1. talk to a councelour

  2. It's a tricky one, mainly because it doesn't sound like you're going to get a chance to confront these girls. What you can do, however, is talk to your friend.

    You see, it's quite surprising what can be undone by a kind word, carefully spoken. While some obnoxious little girls may say bad things to her, if the people who count (i.e. you) can demonstrate her value to them, those insults she gets elsewhere will have much less power.

    People can be freaks, but I don't know what it is about teenage girls that makes some of them absolutely horrible. If you can't stop them, you'll just need to neutralise their attacks. If your friend is confident enough that what they say doesn't bother her, they'll be able to do their worst but not hurt her in the slightest, which is a much more long-lasting remedy.

    Sounds like peace-loving hippy trash, but it's not as soft as it sounds; you're just propping a friend up when she's weak.

    Hope it helps.

  3. I hate to say this but not much helps from telling an adult and if you were to hit or maybe even stand up to one of them they could get boyfriends or brothers involved so my only suggestion is get an older or possibly a more popular girl you know to tell them to back off..

    Sorry if that's not the answer you were looking for!

  4. Tell them to back off whenever they talk bad about her. Who cares if you get in trouble, she doesn't deserve backstabbing freaks for friends.

    It's good that you care for her =]

    Of course, don't be violent, but you can be verbally abusive if this continues. Fight fire with fire

  5. invite them for lunch or a party and see what the real issue of jelousy is...

  6. Thats tough considering it's wrong to hit a girl. Well the only thing i can think of is to tell an adult. But if you dont mind hitting a girl, you know wat to do.

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