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Apparently my friend told me that one of my pictures from myspace has been stolen and placed on a site called i checked out the site and it would not let me enter unless i typed in my friends name and my name. i didnt want it to cause a virus so i clicked out but when i did it said that my ip address from a picture is placed on the site!!!!! i believe it is a p**n site too!!! What should i do?! who should i go to for help to take my photo from that site!!!




  1. I hate to be the harbinger of bad news but once you place photos online and specifically on My Space, you are giving permission to so many seen and unseen entities to use your information and likeness.  Further, My Space is so lawsuit proof, when you join or become a member, you give up any rights you have against wrongful use of your information.  This applies not only to My Space, but also to most incorporated this one.

    I'd still report it to the police but please be careful about your information and photos, etc that you don't want the world to have access to as it is  NOT private and NOT confidential.

  2. --- The site should have a contact email address located somewhere on the site, look for a support address. Email them and tell them that photo is of you and is private property and you want it removed immediately. Most places will do it though some want some kind of proof. Unfortunately by now some other miscreant will have downloaded it and its now spread all over the place never to be completely stopped. Sorry.

    --- OH yeah... if you are a minor make sure you tell them that. Its illegal for them to have photos of minors. If you are a minor and they refuse you may want to write to the FBI.

    --- Perhaps you should contact MYSpace about it?

  3. Not really sure but you should probably start with your local police. If that is not their jurisdiction I'm sure they would be happy to point you in the right direction. You may also want to talk to a lawyer who has experience in internet laws.

  4. that's embarrassing. i have no clue what i'd do..

  5. this just happen to a friend of mine they had to take their computer in and the fbi is doing an investigation on it but his was all over a p**n site and hes only 14

    Edit- How old are you?

  6. stop posting personal stuff like pictures on line

    I can't believe people do that.  Anyone can steal them.

    You will never track these people down.

  7. When you post pics online then you willingly relinquish all control over those images. Your pics are now in the public domain. There's nothing that you can do.

  8. ok, you left out one critical detail here: HOW did you friend tell you this? was it through a comment/message on myspace, or in person or over aim or the phone. if it was through myspace, chances are it's a phishing hoax, and your friends account has been hacked by an automated computer system and is posting these comments on all her friend's profiles. however, if she told you personally, then you really need to look into that, because it sounds serious, and it probably is true.

    P.S. If your myspace profile is completely open to anyone, I have no sympathy for you, because you are practically asking for something like this to happen when you do that.

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