
I NEED HELP <span title="NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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ok soo im starting school 1 week from today, and i have lovehandles and i rly want to get rid of them, or some of them before school starts!!!

im not chubby, im average weight for my age, and i know im supposed to get my period soon and im bloaded, could that be making my love handles worse? i really need advice, and im willing to do anything!!! help!!!




  1. Good luck getting rid of them in a WEEK.

    Exercise is good during your period.

    So, I&#039;d say do that.

  2. Ok... just calm down. If you&#039;re an average weight, then you shouldn&#039;t be worrying about this anyway. But I would suggest yoga... it&#039;s really very good for you and it zaps fat quickly. I do yoga an hour a day just to keep my form in shape, amongst other things. Yoga is good for your immune system as well and is also practiced to fight diseases and relieve stress. You should really give it a try.

    For further information, try Bikram&#039;s book on yoga, I&#039;m not sure what it&#039;s called. I hope this helps you!  

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