
I NEED HELP??????????? <span title="PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday I deposited a check for 500 dollars. I bought a keyboard for 399.99. and the money was taken out of my account but now the company that a bought it from is saying that my credit card had gotten declined. i call and talked to them, and of course they acted clueless. I don't know what to do, and i don't even mean to cuss but i want my ******* money or my ****. I dont know what to do. Please help.




  1. Do you mean credit card or debit card?  If it&#039;s a credit card, call the credit card company and tell them the situation.  If your credit was denied, you have the right to a copy of your Experian credit file.  If you meant debit, even though you deposited $500, your account may have had other debits or outstanding checks that exceeded your account amount.  Get a copy of your current statement from your bank.  They will also charge you an overdraft charge.  If this company did in fact take your money, your proof is your receipt, your card/bank statement.  Do you already have the keyboard or do they have your $$ and are &quot;ordering&quot; your keyboard?  If all else fails, contact your state&#039;s Attorney General&#039;s Office.  Your taxes pay for them to represent you in this matter, so no legal fees! :)  They will be a great help to you.  You can also file a complaint about the company to the better Business Bureau.  Sorry for your troubles.  Good luck.

  2. if the transaction went well and they took your money then they would&#039;ve given you a receipt and if you got an account online with them then just go an check online and see if your money is missing then just fax that to them or give them a transaction number!

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