

by  |  earlier

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- I would like some words of advice, here is my problem. I binge like crazy yet i feel guilty after i do so, at times i just let it pass, others i purge and then other days I go days without eating. Im not skinny either . im 5'4 and 137pounds. It's really depressing, because i also have low self esteem, and it holds me back from alot , even attending school at times. which is super sad. I try to eat healthy, i think i've probably tried every diet in the book but nothing works. I even tried changing my lifestyle but still remains the same! what can i do. i eat out of boredom basically, but i dont like to go out in public with my low self esteem. Help!




  1. Wow, another teenage girl posting up fake problems for attention.

    Woo hoo.

    People with eating disorders don't really WANT help, esp. from strangers. They want to get thin.

    Yes, I will get thumbs down for this, I know.

    But my sister has been anorexic since I have been six,

    I am now sixteen.

    I know what i'm talking about.

    People like you annoy me!

    You are probably just feeling like every teenage girl does the majority of the time.

    Even 100 pound girls feel fat and ugly.

    Just get on to a healthy plan.

    Talk to your mother

    before your so called "eating disorder"

    gets out of control.


  2. OK:

    1.  You are not overweight.  

    2.  I completely understand where you are right now.  I was there too and remember how my lack of self esteem held me back in school...socially and academically.

    I really think this is something you should discuss with your doctor.  Maybe if you tried Working out instead of trying to adjust your weight with restricting food. Hope that helps hon.  It gets better, I promise.  I remember feeling just how you do right now.  

  3. i think that you should try not to worry at all about your weight.

    your weight for your height is pretty darn normal.

    no need for a diet.

    just try an focus on regular meals.

    I'm sorta wondering how old you are though cause if your teen...

    its very normal to eat a whole lot of food outta boredom.

    you should try and think about all the positive things there is about you.

    but if that still doesn`t work for you maybe you could try to talk to your school consuler about your sitituation they`re not as bad as you may think.

    well hope i helped a bit.......


  4. STOP PURGING!!! IT ROTS YOUR TEETH! YUCK! do you have any close friends? maybe you should get a couple of friends or get one or two close friends! it really helps to have an extra POV and another set of hands to help you through this! i know u can't do this alone! so don't think your the only one!!! life is full of opportunities! take a chance! make a lifestyle change!!! maybe dress nicer and encourage yourself to feel great just the way you are!!! good luck and be SAFE! bye! :)

  5. Dear make a routine for your diet system.Take green vegetables before meals.You can turn low self esteem to a powerful esteem by just maintaining a routine.

  6. Its a good thing you realise you have a problem. And 137 isn't fat. You should talk to your parents or someone you trust because someone can help you. My friend had an eating disorder but she saw a counsellor and I dont think she'd ever even think about doing it again. A counsellor can also help you with your self esteem. It's not about dieting which helps you lose weight. Just cut back down on the sugar and fat and eat healthy. Join your local gym and they can put you on a program where you burn more calories than you can consume. Being healthy will make you feel good so don't give up. I'm sure your beautiful. PS don't purge, it will just ruin your insides and make your hair and teeth rot!


    EDIT: sophie i actually gave you a thumbs up, im sorry bout your sister & I did actually consider that this girl might be lying considering that people with eating disorders deny they have a problem but who knows. We might aswell give her advice on how to lose weight if thats what she wants.

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