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OK..[LOL]! Im glad I got your attention.

I want to wear makeup in highschool, but I dont know how to apply it. Things like colors, application techniques, brands [that arent too expensive, I have a single mother.], etc. Also I need something to wear..and a good clothing store to go to. (i already shop at places like marshalls, ross, etc.). Here are some pictures of me:: Im truly a diamond in the rough...




  1. HEY !!! i just got my first set of makeup today :]

    but i have a make up artist for a mom so im lucky lol!

    i have verryyy similar features to you and i got

    bronze eyeshadow

    gold eyeshadow

    tawny brown eyeshadow

    a pinkish brownish eyeshadow

    brownish black eyeliner

    brownish black mascara


    it gives me a reallllyyy pretty natural look :]

    like im glowing

    and yeah you just have to practice..


    dont apply eyeshadow above the crease of your lid untill your older

    pull your lid to apply eyeliner

    and have fun!  

  2. you have very beutiful skin and your still young. You definatly dont need facial makeup, enless you get breakouts which i doubt.

    I would suggest eyeliner and mascara.

    theres tons of eyeliner videos on youtube, but you have to practice on yourself because no one will have the same eyeshape as everyone else.

    Your clothes look fine too me. I think youd look great in a black shirt from bebe with the rhinestones in it

  3. Hello Miss Diamond!

    My virtual makeup makeover website may help answer your question for cosmetic colors and application tips:

    Select a model with features close to yours or even upload your photo.  There's no cost to play.  Enjoy!

  4. buy some wet and wild cosmetics

    they are some of the cheapest so you can experiment with them

    as for colors i really don't know what to suggest except purple might look good and mabye some dark green eyeshadow

    also if you dont want to mess around with eyeliner (it can be a hassle)

    you should try to use eyeshadow as eyeliner

    have you ever been to TJ Maxx.  They are alot like Ross.  Old Navy is really affordable to.  Also theres a store called papaya.  Papaya isnt very cheap but often they will have these sale racks.  One time I went there and the had a $3 sale rack.  Everything on it was $3. (it was the end of summe and lots of summer clothes were on the rack)

    you could also try thrift stores.

    Lots of things in thrift stores are pieces of c**p but every once in a while you find a treasure.

    The other day I found a really good pair of shorts there and once I cound a brand new pair of shoes.

    Or there is this one store called Steve and Barrys

    Steve and Barrys isnt a very common store yet (in my state theres only a couple)

    but everything there is only $8.98

    and they have alot of stuff

    they have amanda bynes clothing lines, SJP clothing line, and lots more.  

    A couple monthes ago I got a jean jacket that looks just like my friends but I spent $8.98 and she spent like $40 at hollister.

    sorry if im just babbleing on

  5. *A little eyeliner [try maybeline] applying- close the eye that your putting it on while doing it.

    *Mascara [covergirl] applying- while having your eyes open just slowly go over your eye lashes.

    *Cover up [[physicians formula]] applying- take a brush and put it over pimples this type also gives your face a glowing look.

    You can get all of this for 12$ and under at any drug store or walmart or target or w.e

    best of luck!


  6. Thrift stores and second hand places like Platos Closet are great for clothes. You just have to have an open mind, and have time to look around when you go.

    As for the make up.....the most important thing is facial care (cleaning, moisturizing, etc). If you take care of your skin, you will not need a lot of make up. That being said, I think that if you were to go to one of the beauty counters at the mall, they would show you a good palate to use for your face, even if you don't end up buying their stuff. I would suggest Clinique, because they have a great skin care line, and you may be able to buy it somewhat reasonable.

    You can also consider the MARK line from Avon. You may even be able to be a MARK rep, and make a little money on the side.

    Good Luck in HS, and by the are beautiful!!!

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