

by Guest62156  |  earlier

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So right now i'm a fresman in college. i'm a 5'8 and 160 lbs guy. i wanna get in shape so badly. i dont want to be anorexic skinny but i want to have the tight six pack and the slim legs. right now my waist is 33" and my thighs are 22". so i look pretty stalky due to my height. i wanna get slim you know. kinda like david beckham or cam gigandet. skinny but jacked. what should i be doing at the gym. and should i be doing cardio. if so what kind? lastly i just wanna emphasize i wanna be slim and lean. i dont wanna be like one of those olympic gymnast jacked outta there minds. please help me. id greatly appreciate any comments.




  1. The best thing you can do is do a lot of cardio (like 5-6 times a week, 30-45 minutes a day) to get down to the weight you want to be at.  Once you lose the weight, and you are down to the weight you want to be, start lifting 5-6 times a week and cutting down to 3 times a week cardio to maintain your weight.  When you start lifting, try to alternate what you are working out.  do arms and abs one day, legs and abs the next, and alternate.  it'll take some time, but you gotta stick to it.

    the reason i say not to lift yet is because your body will build your fat into muscle if you lift right away and you won't lose any weight.  also eating healthy is something else that you should do.  lots of greens, lots of proteins, and if you eat any breads only eat whole grain wheat breads.  stop eating fast food, because it's horrible for you and it will save you money.  keep yourself on a schedule and you will definitely reach your goal.  

  2. To get a six pack you must run. RUN RUN RUN RUN! It is the best way to lose weight. It is simple. Start off everyday by running and slowly increase your running length each day. Cardio is what you should do. Also eat healthy while you are running.  

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