
I NEED SOME HELP WITH A POEM .. 10points =)?

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i need help writing a poem to express what I'm going through I'm not really good at writing them so i need some help

this is what I'm going threw

i fell in love with this guy omar 4 years ago and ever since that Day i could never stop thinking of him

were were really good friends at first , then after 3 years ,, we finally dated it only last 7 month because we would always fight and what no he cheated on me and i took him back..

then i did something really big to mess up like i said the wrong thing( the worst thing ever ) and he stoped talking to me he found another girl but that did last , in this poem it need to express my feeling for him are true and no matter what happens i will always be there for him and i will always love him

and that at this very moment I'm turning my life around and changing so i can have another change with my one true love.




  1. It doesn't really matter if you are good in writing poems or not. What matters is your sincerity. Just write your true feelings to him.

  2. i'll help you I love writting poetry :D  

  3. don't worry about being creative

    if you want to write a poem, just put words down and let it all flow out.

    when you are done, then you can tweak it some, but for now, just get it all down.

    maybe you can compare it to something, like two trains on the tracks or a toddler growing up? Just some ideas.

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