
I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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im only 5'3" and i weigh 135!!!! im involved in varsity cheer leading and i do that 20 or more hours a week. and trust me people its not muscle im sure some of it is but i have a belly and i really want to lose it and i've tried almost everything. im also a junior in highschool...someone please help!!




  1. yes i can help IM me

  2. I weighed the exact same as you and the same height about a month ago. I lost 5 pounds. Here's how I did it. I cut out most carbs from my diet.. I stopped with the potatoes, rice, pasta, pizza, bread, cakes, etc. Everyday I ate oatmeal or an egg white omelet for breakfast. Stay away from fruit juices, too high in sugar. If anything, have a V8-so good for you. For lunch I had vegetables and some turkey slices and a salad. NO dressing though-if anything just put a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar on it. For a snack-a V8 or a low fat cheese stick. For Dinner: Steamed veggies, fish/meat OR chicken. Dessert: sugar free jello. Oh and Drinks lots and lots of "tea's tea" green tea!! GOOD LUCK.

  3. Hit the treadmill/exercise bike, go out jogging, drink plenty of water.

    Do crunches and other exercises for your tummy.

  4. First start by watching what you eat.  Cut out all sodas, fast foods, fatty and fried foods.  Drink a lot of water, take your body weight and divide it by 2 and drink that in ounces.  Add exercise to your day, get up a little early and walk briskly for 20 minutes in the morning.  this will get your metabolism going and you'll burn calories all day.  Good luck!  For more tips check out my blog on fitness

  5. you are fine how you are.

    but if you want to lose weight i suggest lots of water and resting after a work out.

    it helps.

  6. hey search the cabbage diet in google -- I am losing 15lbs in 7 days as we speak!

  7. you're fine. im the same height as you and weigh 170 pounds but it's a whole bunch of muscle.

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