
I NEED TURTLE EXPERTS! Is A 55 Gallon Tank OK For Musk Turtle?

by Guest55919  |  earlier

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Can a musk turtle live in a 55 gallon tank all its life? if not how boat a 65 gallon tank? and if not is there a turtle that can live in eiter of these tanks all its life?




  1. If this is for a Common Musk turtle then a 65 gallon will be plenty of room for it. They don't get very large. You can find lots of great info on musks here:

    Julie, director Turtle Rescue of Long Island

  2. Musk turtles in general get about 7".  The rule of thumb is 10 gal. of water per inch of turtle shell length.  So, ideally, a 70 gal. would be needed (and a filter which can do 210 gal.).

    But, if you use a perch similar to this:

    so that you aren't taking up water space with rocks, etc. - it should be fine in the 65 gal.

    Enjoy your turtle, and I hope this has been of help.

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