

by  |  earlier

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My friend is talking to me, she cut herself over an hour ago, and its really deep, bleeding badly, shes shaking, and she feels like she going to pass out. she lives in New York so i can't help her cuz i live in a different state, and im scared for her, how can I help her RIGHT NOW?




  1. You need to convince her to tell her parents, another trusted adult, or call 911.  If you know her address you could call the police and tell them the situation.  She needs help.

  2. convince her to get to a hospital.  Or, contact anyone you know that lives near her to help her.

  3. If you know where she lives you can call either her parents, someone who lives close to check on her or 911 and direct them to her location. Whatever you do, you need to do it NOW.

    Advise her to seek help aside from that for possible suicidal behavior. It's no joke- I've been there.  

  4. Call 911


    Pick up your phone and dial that number.

    DO IT!

    Tell the operator what you posted above and get her some help RIGHT NOW!

  5. call 911 and give them her address...

  6. Uh tell her to tell her parents?

  7. call her parents!!! Tell her you need her to go to the emergency room. that is really serious!

  8. call 911 and then call her parents! help her do what ever you can to help! stop it from infecting. tell her not to be affraid to call! tell her to put peroxide on it!  

  9. talk to her parents or something, tell her she needs to get help, although shes probably exadurating like most teenage girls she still needs to get help and possibly be hospitalized for cutting, its not a healthy habbit

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