
I NEED URGENT HELP please!!!!!!! :[?

by  |  earlier

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I'll try to explain this as best as I can:

I have been having computer problems for awhile now but about 2 months ago I got help from Y! Answers and installed a spyware/virus remover. I used both Spybot and Windows Defender. They seemed to work well for awhile but then stopped and my computer seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Basically about 2 months ago it started out with a red desktop screen, not being able to use the internet, freezing and pop-ups. The programs I downloaded hot rid of the red screen and let me use the internet but the freezing and pop-ups continued, but I was able to work around that and still used the computer.

I noticed that my computer as getting worse within the past few days so I tried to use Spybot but it wouldn't come up. I stuck with Windows Defender and t helped a little.

OK so the MAIN POINT IS: In was working on it today and there were tons of pop-ups and one came up and I X-ed out and all of my windows closed, and the desktop turned white. Then the computer turned off. I restarted it and instead of bringing me to the screen where to can pick which user you are and type in your password to get onto your desktop, it brought me to a screen where it said the following: A PROBLEM HAS BEEN DECTED AND WINDOWS HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER. It said it was called a "Stop Error Screen" and displayed "Technical Information" which was impossible to understand, and at the bottom it said "DUMP OF PHYSICAL MEMORY. PHYSICAL MEMORY DUMP COMPLETE."

So 2 months ago I thought not getting on the internet was bad and now I can't get on the computer at all.

I restarted it and the same thing kept popping up and I even tried Safe Mode and the same thing still happened.

This was really long but it was only to help you understand as much as possible because I really need my computer to be fixed.

I would appreciate ANY help as I am desperate. Also, I am kind of good with computers but as you can see not that good so it would help if you told me in a way I could easily understand.






  1. Rebooting the computer would be the most likely way to get rid of viruses. Im not sure if you use the term 'rebooting' in America but it means remove EVERYTHING that was on the computer and restoring it to factory settings. You can find out how by looking at the manufacturer's manual. Bear in mind this will remove everything you had saved, including images, documents, music... the lot!

    If theres something you need on the computer you'll have to take it to a repair place to see if they can extract it for you but it may not be possible.

    If rebooting it doesnt work it would be worth getting a new computer.

    I hope this helps!

  2. okay so when you buy the computer it should come with these two disk

    put the first one in

    and follow the directions

    it will delete ALL your files

    & the 2nd cd will RESTORE all the orignial setting and folders that it came with when you first bought it

    i know it sucks but if you really want to save your comp without paying alot of money and you don't care about losing files.

    this is the way.

    By the way i have tried this twice !

    and it does work

    it got rid of both of my viruses

    email me if your confused.

  3. 1. You can do a system restore... check microsofts website for your windows version and how to do this. System restore is like a time machine, in which you can go back in time and reset the computer to a date in the past that it worked.

    Otherwise, If the computer came with disks, there should be a system restore disk with it. I would reload the original software from safemode. There will be a prompt and make sure to click on DO NOT Overright the data... you dont want to loose any data. You will have to re-install some softwares. but this always works for me.  

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