
I NEEED a large-motor game for preschoolers that is farm-related. Any Ideas?

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♥ Jas




  1. do a challege:  have the kids hula-hoop and keep track of how many times they do it.  then the parents can try to break their child's record.  you can also do this with jumping jacks, squats, jumping rope.  we did this as part of our 'healthy family week'.  the kids and the parents had a blast and we served healthy snacks.

  2. I use the old spud game. Each child is named as an animal on the farm. The first child picks up the ball throws it in the air and calls a farm animals name. (They don't know who is who) they have to catch the ball and then call another's name. They love to see who is the horse, cow. pig, etc. The object is to try to roll the ball to the animal closet to them. If they do they get to call another animal

  3. Charades with Farm animals (show a child a picture of a farm animal and they have to act it our for their classmates to guess)

    Use bean pictures of farm animals all around the rug. Have a child stand in the middle.  Call out an animal name, or describe the animal, or make the animal's noise, and the child has to throw the bean bag so that it lands on the animal's picture.

    Have an "animal parade" ... each student is a certain animal and you walk around in a line...teacher can be the farmer and walk them around the farm.  The children will have to move like the animals.  Maybe if they are really good about it, you can parade around another classroom!

  4. Roll in the Mud:  Use a brown blanket to simulate the mud and let the kids have a good time "rolling in the mud."

    Farm animals make an easy drama/movement activity.  You can add a literacy component by playing Follow the Leader and having the leader move like an animal and the other children copy.  (Literacy-children need to be able to see something and copy it before having complete success with reading/writing.)

    Have fun!


    Everyone stands feet slightly apart, hands on knees or ankles, looking back through their legs. Then they start moving backwards.


    Have children line up at the Start Line, squat down and grasp their ankles with each hand from behind. On GO, they waddle to a designated Finish Line. They can't let go of their ankles or they’re disqualified. The first child over the Finish Line is the winner... (This would be fun to play with "waddle music" :-)


    OR other versions such as: Pin the Tail on the Cow, Pin the Comb on the Rooster, Put the Hat on the Farmer, Put the Tire on the Tractor or Pin the Tail on the Piggy, etc.

    .....PLAY "HOP BUNNY HOP": All the bunnies hop around until the word ‘HAWK’ is called out. Children then must all stand very still so that they do not get caught. (Music can also be combined with this---when the music stops "HAWK" is called out!

    .....Play "Duck, Duck, Goose" or other versions such as---Chick, Chick, Rooster, or Pig, Pig, Piglet, etc.


    Use a large bed sheet or playground/gym parachute. Gather the children form a circle around the parachute. Hold the edges and work together to move it up and down. Once the children get the hang of it, allow a few children at a time, to go under the chute…. Then put a stuffed cow, duck, horse, etc., in the center and make then hop and jump as well.



    Sung to: "Hokey Pokey"

    You put your RIGHT WING IN (put right fist under right arm-pit)

    You take your right wing out…

    You put your right wing in….

    And you shake it all about.

    You do the Chicken Pokey

    And STRUT yourself around,

    That's what it's all about!

    Choice of additional verses:

    "You put your left wing in…

    You put your chicken leg in…

    You put your chicken beak in

    You put your tail feathers in…”


    Randomly assign animal types to children (they can pick them out of a container)

    As children walk about the room, they make their assigned animal sound; they have to find others that are making the same sound. Two of each animal works well because the process of elimination will help those with an unusual interpretation of the animal noise.

    These are SOME of the games from hhtp:// in the Farm/Barnyard Theme thread :-) The Farm thread is:

  6. Play the game/ sing the song "The Farmer in the Dell."  Play Simon Says/ Mother May I and have the kids imitate farm animals.

  7. Put animals in a feely can, have one child pull one out and everyone acts like it

    Farmer in the Dell

    Old MacDonald

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