
I Need Good Advice, OCD :'(( ?!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ive Had Bad thoughts for a while now about a year. rude ones and really distubin ones too. And tbh im so shur its OCD Instrusive Thoughts. ive been soo upset wid these there obsessed in my head and no mater wat i do they wont goo. :'[ ive even thought of suicide but tbh. no i know that over people have these too its not that bad. but the toughts are still in my head and not only they get much worse :'((

Ive had the courage to tell my auntie. she just sed it was hormones because im 14. but they got soo bad. i asked to go the doctors and she wont take me. she doesnt understand how bad they really are.

i feel like cryin all the time because of em :[

i cart talk to my mum about em because she doesnt understand and dont care if im ill i tryed tellin her this mornin but she was all like dont be stupid.

im soo upset i dont no wat too do. befor these get anyworse :'[ i have no one to take me to the doctors. Thee thoughts get worse everyday. now its like i feel like im gunah kill people :S. and like a a day ago i didnt think of out like that.

wat shud i doo. im in tears and need doctors help befor it gets even worse :'[




  1. I really understand what you mean and all I can say is that it is just hormones. You perobably won't believe me but I and nearly every single one of my friends felt the same way you do at your age. Just tell others and talk to others about it how you feel, when you think of stuff tell your best friend what you're thinking and they will help.

    Also, if you want to see the doctor you can go by yourself.

  2. Go to your school counselor.  Tell him/her what your feeling and your families responses.  That's what they're there for.  The counselor can talk to your parents to help them understand how serious the matter should be taken.  He/she can also probably give you some references to solve the problem.

  3. You don't need someone to take you to the doctors, you can attend at any age. Just go when you're next in town when your mum thinks your shopping and tell them whats up, if they analyse it to be serious they'll try to get you psychological help and if its still serious after that they can think about putting you on some kind of medication. Good luck it'll all be okay x*x

  4. you said you're 14 right?  Well, I'm sure you're in school at that age and most schools have a school counselor.  Try taking some time out of your day at school and go have a talk with them.  They can most def get you the help you need and will. Good luck and try not to kill anyone!

  5. You must go to see a doctor, as well intentioned as somebody's advice on this forum might be, it is not professional and you must see a doctor to be diagnosed correctly. I suffered from intrusive thoughts, distortions of perception, noises, OCD, anxiety, panic attacks and I went to the doctor. Now, three years on, I am at last wakening from the nightmare. I know how awful it can be and I urge you to go to the doctor. Take a friend for moral support, I promise you, you will feel a great deal better from just being able to unburden yourself to someone who understands. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of about being unwell, it would be a shame if you continued to suffer alone. Good luck!

  6. Firstly, take a breath and calm down.  You seem to be panicking about this situation, which is overwhelming you.  Yes, you do have a problem.  I am so, so sorry that you can't talk to your Mum.  I do not wish to say anything against her (she is your Mother), but I have to differ - you are not STUPID.  However, as a sufferer of OCD, I find it hard to relate to your situation.  Obsessive thoughts don't mean OCD - In the same way, rude and disturbing ones don't either - obsessive behaviour does.  For me, I count in threes and continually check things.  It takes me so long to get through my normal day to day activities because I have to count all the time - I only walk on the lines of my kitchen lino - are you sure you have OCD???

    OCD sufferers don't want to kill people - we just make life hard for ourselves.

    Truly sweetheart, you need help.  I hope you can trust your GP, who can offer you wonderful counselling.  If you find that your GP does not understand, you are legally entitled to ask for another GP - probably better to ask to be transferred to one in your own surgery.

    If that fails, then I suggest you turn up to your local hospital ER department - they have an obligation to treat you and refer you to an agency that can help you.

    I wish I could help you further.

    I wish you so much love and luck!!!

  7. You should definitely talk to someone who will listen. Make a doctors appointment yourself. Your doctor cannot say you were there or what you talked about if you ask him/her not to. Goodluck.

  8. Yes, I would agree with Katee.  You can go by yourself to an emergency room or walk-in clinic and just keep telling them that you are thinking of harming yourself and others.  Don't let them put you off.  Tell them you have formed a plan of how to do it, and I don't think they can legally send you away without helping.

  9. i think you shud explain in detail to your parentals, this is a serious situation...yet again at fourteen it may be to get attention or if things arent your way to get them...if thats not the case then SEE A DR.!!!!  PLZZZZZZ!!!! AND BTW THIS IS NOT CALLED OCD!  

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