
I Need Help In A Sensitive Topic.?

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Ok, where do I start? I'm a virgin and as much as I want to lose my virginity, theres an equal part of me that doesn't want to lose it as it honestly frightens me. I'm 18 now and have been going with a girl for about one week and inevitably I feel the opportunity will spring up soon. What I'm worried about is, you know the bit in all the teen flicks like American Pie where the man get's "too excited - too early"? I'm extremely worried about that. I haven't engaged in anything else sexual apart from a passionate kiss. Is it a myth and used in movies to get a laugh or is it a realistic possibility?

Please answer. I can't go to my friends because I foolishy told them I lost my virginity on holidays last year. Cheers.




  1. Ok, before you go to bed together make a visit to the bathroom and play on your own. Then get into bed with her and you will last the distance.

    Remember, it's not just about your satisfaction, it's about hers too. So take your time and make every effort to please her.

  2. Watch some p**n...seriously they are the best training films on s*x. As for the rest of that....most guys suck their very first time. It comes just like anything else...from experience. Don't deny yourself that experience just out of fear. if you have found the right girl, she can help ease your mind. You could always hire a prostitute....but I wouldn't recommend that. kind of a lousy way to loose ones virginity.

  3. I say you should wait. It is possible to premature ejaculate, only if you're extremely aroused.

    The side of you that doesn't want to lose their virginity will be stronger than the one that will.

    When you do lose it, it's not really going to be worth it. Don't do something stupid.

    Just tell your friends you are still a virgin. There's nothing wrong with it.

  4. there should be more people like you, waiting till your good and ready. I'm so sick of hot in the azz teenagers, stop worrying about whats in somebody pants and put yo dam face in a book. but anyway, you've only been with her for a week. like the guy said, if she rushes you, get rid of her. but if you've known her for a year, she should make you feel comfortable.

    But to answer your question, from a woman's perspective, and from my experience, it does happen. Even if your not a virgin, trust me. I don't want to get too gross, but "taking care of your business" before, usually helps.

  5. You could have a premature ejaculation from being over excited; just don't worry about it.  

    Why not wait until you find a girl friend who you really want to have s*x with; someone you intend to stay with or marry.  There is no reason to have s*x just because you think you should.  You will know what to do when the time comes.

    If you end up having a problem, please make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it.  What causes problems is over-thinking, worrying, pushing yourself when you don't have the desire, just what you are doing now.

  6. Don't do it you know this girl for only a week defin not enough time unless its like a 1 night stand which i wouldnt recommend take ur time if ur really into this person they should defintly understand

  7. When I was young, I didn't want to just jump in and have s*x with a girl I was with, and you know what? I lost her, she made up some s**t rumors about me...and that was that.

    If she is pushing you too fast, dump her like a bad habit. Then you will save face.

    My 2c

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