
I Need Help. Its driving me insane!?

by  |  earlier

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At cadets there's this boy, Mark, hes really nice and hes 1 year older than me. But the thing is, im too shy to go up and have a conversation with him.

I dont know what to do. It doesn't help that im in the younger group, and all my 'gang' will laugh if i try to tlk to him.

+ I think my friend likes him, ive told her i like him, but she's more outgoing, and he probably likes her more than me, coz i dont talk much to people i dont know that well.

I need help.

What should i do???

How can i talk to him?

Please help!




  1. Hey Confidence is not some thing you can buy next door bt sooner or later you have got to collect all the energy you need and talk to this guy for real cause you don't want decampaigh the gals MOTTO

    '''wat a gal wants...! Gal Gets....."" any way here are some tips

    *try and study this guy very well and see wat he it sports,or hangs out very much at the cefeteria, where is he during weekends, does football,or Movies on saturday.after all that anaylsis then find your striking positions at this guy in what ever thing he does ok show up at these spots bt not in way that would scare him away like you following him. Keep busy at these spots on several ocassions

    * that fails then you got to approach him when he is alone bt gal you have got to look great during this encounter and disorganise his vision ok look nice ,dress to impress,cool stuff bt not so flushy.......

    * straight hit the point by offering him your Number in sassy way you could write it at the back of his neck,that way its work for him to find you ok and don't display your feelings ,lets say this is your small time adventure and are only want to move out for fun not serious relationship stuff ok that way you are cool and also less of your feelings will be hurt incase he rejects you ok.

    Go Gal,and wish you luck  

  2. he is fair game ... you should talk to him ...its not as if he is going out with your friend...You should talk to him if he's a nice guy he won't just ignore you or laugh

  3. you should talk to him, if you're that shy take it slow. try and make him laugh, all my guy friends say thats a great way to make a guy notice you.

    and you never know, he could like you to

  4. saying that you're too shy is probably an excuse so that you won't get rejected. why don't you try talking to him? it's really not that hard, honestly. and hey, you might just find something in common with him.

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