
I Need Help With My Angels?

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0 LIKES UnLike today before leaving for work I was checking in on each one of my fish tanks. This is where I take 5-10 mins. to observe the tank and make sure everything is looking okay both disease wise and community wise. While doing this I noticed that 2 out of my 3 angels appear to be sick. They have almost like a cloudy patch on each one of their side fins and a little on their body. I was in a hurry to get to work so I haven't checked my water parameters yet and plan on doing it first thing when I get back....but I was just wondering what you think it could be from? My other fish are doing fine and I have had these angels for over 1 month and they were fine...but now all of a sudden this is happening. I just recently added new fish and they are all appear to be fine and healthy. Do you think my fish could just need a water change? I usually do it once a week but I am nearing my second this time. Or is it a disease?




  1. You can try changing the water and if nothing happens call the vet and ask him/her.

  2. my bf just had something like that on his fish, and it turned out that the water was too clean, he had changed it not to long befor and didnt leave enough of the old water in, and after about a week the fish that was looking sick got better without any help

  3. It sounds a lot like the fish disease 'Ick'. Sometimes bringing new fish into the tank can cause this. I sell fish supplies so if you have an ebay account i can send some medication for this other wise you can purchase it at your nearest pet store. I hope that your fish gets well soon. I have had some problems with ick to at time but medication will clear it right up. I am brandonw2503 on ebay if you would like to email me there i will sell you some medication.

  4. Sounds to me like your new fish introduced a disease called Velvet to the angels.  Unfortunately, Velvet disease is deadly and very quick to kill the fish.  By the time you see it, it is already too late to try treating them.  Most fish will die within 24 hours after you see the symptoms.  Remove the dead bodies as soon as you can and when all the fish are dead and gone, remove all the water, rinse the gravel and filter pad and run the tank for a week before adding new fish.  If you go back to the store you got the new fish from, tell them what happened and look in their tanks.  Many fish stores have central filter systems which means that the water from one tank goes through all the other tanks.  If this is the case, do not buy any more fish from that store but find another store that does not use a central filter system for their tropical fish tanks.  

    My brother bought some botias from a store and lost all his fish this way.  Some fish are more resistant to velvet than others.  The most susceptible fish are mollies and guppies, bettas and gouramis, barbs and goldfish.  I'm not sure if velvet is caused by bacteria or protozoans but it's very contagious.

  5. This sounds a lot like the fish disease 'Ich' or 'Ick'. Sometimes bringing new fish into the tank can cause this. It happened to my fish and can easily be fatal to your fish unless treated. Your fish right now most likely feeling as if they are being bitten by mosquitoes; but don't worry, treatment is easy. I would go to a nearby pet store and ask to confirm, then pick up an easy treatment. Usually all you have to do is sprinkle or drip in a medication and it should clear up hopefully.

  6. My money is def on Ich, its a quick fix and not too bad if you correct the problem quickly. The tank most likely contracted it thourgh the water your new fish were in; dont ever let any water from the store into your tank.. or if you put in new decor and didnt clean it properly.

    The other possibility is  that its Flibacter (columnaris) think commonly use first part though. Look up images of the two conditions to determine which one it is, as they are diff problems with deff meds need. However, depending on if you let water get in from store would lead me to think its Ich.


    Ich they get white lil sports all over of just in certain areas, they look like tiny beads. Earlier symtoms may have been darting around or rubbing up against rocks and whatnot. May not have noticed this behaver.. but the white dots pretty much tell all. The ich is really in "clumps or patches" just spots or bumps

    SOLUTION: API super ick cure works WONDERFULLY! Follow the directions on the box. it may or may not tell u that reaising the water temp to 82* will spead up the parasites life cycle. PS; any air tubing or white decor... take it out or get a not so pretty blue product.

    Flexibacter Columnairis - more of "fuzzy" skin or

    They always say isolate, for both products this one u might one to go ahead and do. sometimes bacterial infections.. ie this one..occur when other fish have parasites Then u add the meds to water

    ***Also, u dont need to do a water change once a week, its stressful to the fish, esp. angels. the site i linked really is worth looking at under general fish care it will give you a tank manintance "calendar" good luck!

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