
I Need Help With My Mohawks?

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So the ONLY thing I need to learn now in my public lessons, is the Mohawk. The right to left is okay, but I'm still unsure of some things. and The left to right is a bit tricky for me. I have a few questions. First of all, when you're doing the right to left and vice-versa, where do your hands go? Do they go straight, or at a 90 degree angle? Second, what are the basic steps? Like push off from left foot at an L shape, put foot down, etc.. Thanks so much! I also appreciate any tips!




  1. If I'm doing a right to left mohawk, I usually put my right arm in front and left arm in front for left to right.  I usually just keep them straight, but if it works better for you to hold your arms at a 90 degree angle, that works too.  Experiment and see what works best.  I probably can't explain the basic steps very well, but this website explains it:

    You could also probably look it up on YouTube or something to actually see someone doing it.

  2. You always have the hand in front the same as the foot and when you are turning into the edge your arms stay in the same place but your body and head moves under them. If you need any extra help I'm sure your coach would be glad to help. Good luck! I hope that i helped!

  3. This is really tricky. But once you get it you won't forget it. It's all about practice and not being afraid to fall.

    With you arms when you go right to left have you right arm in front and the other can be back or at a 90 degree angle. Then when you do left to right you would do the same thing but with the left are in front of course.

    You will want to push off, if you are doing right to left, onto you right foot then place your left foot in the middle of right blade and basically end up backwards.

    Easier said than done right. I am a junoir instructor at my ice skating rink and this is the hardest thing to teach for some reason.

    Good Luck. And I Hope This Helps.

  4. which on feels more comfortable? that is the hand that goes in front.  and they go straight.

    its simple. go from one inside edge to the other inside edge (or outside to outside)

    there isnt really a shape to the mohawk, but its inbetween a 180 degree angle and a 90 degree angle.

  5. well for one thing you could ask your coach, and then do what ever is comfortable if your coach dosen't care.

  6. I had problems like you with my mohawks and this is what helped me:

    First practice on a circle. Assuming you are starting right to left, then you put your right foot on the circle from a t position. Make sure your right arm is pointing ahead, and your body is facing the direction you are going. Your left arm should be pointing directly behind you to help with balance and your left foot should be directly behind your right. Once you have glided for a couple of seconds on your right skate, quickly turn your body so you are facing the other way, bend your skating knee and turn your hips out. Then bring your left foot down to the ice, aligning with your right foot and quickly lift your right foot up and switch positions (so now you should be on your left foot going backwards with your body facing the opposite direction and your right arm and leg behind your body)

    Practice from left to right as well, its exactly the same technique. Just sometimes trickier and so takes more practice.

    Once you can do both mohawks, then you should start practicing it in a simple sequence. Find a straight line on the ice. And start by doing a right to left mohawk, starting at the center of the line, and then going away from it and coming back to the center. Then when you are back at the center do a left to right mohawk, going away from the line and coming back to the center again. It should end up a bit like an S shape. It helps if you can draw on the ice and draw the S so you know where to go, but if you can't then a simple line will be fine.


    Dont stick your butt out

    remember to bend your knees (just a little, not too much)

    turns your hips in

    DONT sway your arms everywhere, they'll put you off your balance

  7. Take a look at this site and the videos they have.. really useful.

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