
I Need Help advice about Lane Tech.?

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Ok im going to be going there this hear yayyy and I want to know some people who goes there my first question is like are the teachers like a**holes, should I trust senoirs for help, the least crowded hallways or the ones to stay away from and the best way to meet someone at my orientation which is july 23 plz help




  1. Aaah freshie year xD

    Haha, that was me asking the questions last year :D

    Well I'l ltry to answer your questions as best as I can.

    Most teachers arent total *******, but there are some mean ones..specially if your the -i-dont-so-work kid. But they are mostly alright. Seniors arent that bad at Lane, but there is the occasional jerk so watch out. If you get lost you might want to double check with a teacher. Teachers always stay outside their class doors during the first days of school. Its easier to tell you the worst hallways and those would be H, O, and Z. STAY AWAY FROM H and Z at all costs!! you will be late for class (trust me..I was late 3 days in a row -_-') Everyone is shy at orientation, so just be yourself and go up to the nearest looking quiet person. chances are they want to make friends too. Good luck and have fun! ^-^

    Oh before I use your map! If your afraid of looking like a freshy, check in your first class before the bell rings at 8:46.

  2. Omg, my orientation is on July 23, too.

    I attended Freshman Connection at Lane Tech^.^

    The teachers...aren't a*holes xP

    Aand no, you shouldn't trust senoirs fro help `cus they'll just give youu wrong advice, except for the ones who are counselors.

  3. meh. not bad.

  4. My younger sister went there...  It is not so much a good school, as at least it is not horrible, like some in Chicago are, where you might get stabbed or raped, etc. From the sound of what my sister was saying, Lane just seemed like a typical high school... Big deal if some of the teachers are jerks... At least you are not paying them to be.. (That comes later in College.)

    Unless you are a complete moron, you'll still graduate, so what are you worrying about? Just experience it.

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