
I Need Help on How to Switch Lanes?

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O.K today I when I was about to switch lanes, I turned on my signal light checked my mirror and my blind spot as I pulled out to try and get to the other lane another car came up and almost hit me I had to swerve back in the other lane and brake hard before I hit the car I was behind. I was in a similar situation last week, and I thought maybe it happened because I didn't check my blind spot that time but I checked my mirrors, it seems like the car sped up to get in front of me. What am I doing wrong, please help I am a new driver?




  1. Mirror, signal, maneuver. But when you signal don't just pull out, ease out. The other car may have been speeding but you have to anticipate all sorts when you are driving. You will get there. Luck

  2. When changing lanes you are doing it correct but what you need to add is recheck again before you make the change...

  3. You need to take a quick look back, not just look in your mirror, just a quick glance to make sure the lane is clear, also as a new driver you probably don't know how to gauge the speed of oncoming vehicles yet, so make sure the lane is way clear and that no other vehicle is coming up fast, after you do it a few times you will get the hang of it.

  4. Beginners luck but your were lucky.

    Your problem is a common one for beginners (and some who should know better anyway)

    It's easy to get lulled into complacency in a car now a days.  When you look in the mirror and even check the blind spot by turning your head you are considering the "NOW" situation and not the "what will it be when I do move lanes" situation.    You have to look past the spot you want to move to and look at what may be in that spot when you do change lanes.

    Check the mirrors (rear and sides) then check the blind spots with a glance over the shoulder.    Turn on your signals to turn.   Then "Check all of the above again".   Checking our the speed of cars behind you............ how?   Are they closer than when you first checked and before you signaled?     If they are then they're moving faster than you are....... Remember the passenge side mirror shows "more because it shows a broader field of view but cars may be closer than they appear if you read the tiny type on the mirror)

    Also being new you're probably driving slower than the other drivers so they may not be speeding up at all you just may be taking too much time trying to be "safer".    

    Over time you'll learn that check, recheck, and if traffic is heavy and going faster than you "check again".

    Stay calm, but alert and focused.    Driving should be relaxing once you reached the right state of mind and awareness of other drivers.

    After years of driving I can actually predict most times from a car's behavior in front of me if and when they will change lanes in front of me.   After all these years I know there's a small percentage of drivers who don't even use their turn signals so I'm always alert to small signs of traffic.

    Good luck and enjoy the ride



  5. See SVTCOBRA!!  The only true blind spots are the ones that you create.

  6. Yes the car might be speeding up. The moment after you look at your blind spot and mirror, you turn. Look at your mirror 1st, then your blind spot. With this method you should be fine.

    Good luck

  7. You seem to be doing everything correctly.  Keep in mind tho that there are a lot drivers out there that don't pay attention (or even care) to the fact that someone is signaling a lane change.  Other drivers will purposely speed up to get in front of you because they're absolutely certain you'll make then drive slower if they get stuck behind you.  As long as you double check your blind spot as you're changing lanes and keeping an eye on everything that's happening around you things should be fine.

    Also, remember that any time you change lanes or merge onto a freeway you want to make sure your speed is the same as the traffic in the lane you're entering.  If you're stuck behind someone going well below that speed wait and give yourself a lot of extra room between you and car you're merging in front of.  That way you have a few extra seconds to build up speed.

  8. Your mirrors aren't adjusted properly. Sit behind the wheel in a comfortable position, hands on the wheel and your back against the seat. Now turn your head, just your head, right or left. You should be able to see an eye level view rearward with just a small portion of your cars rear in the mirror.You shouldn't have to lean forward or sideways to see in the mirrors. If your whole body is moving , then your mirrors are not adjusted correctly and that creates a blind spot.

  9. .

    It sounds as though you were too close to the car in front. Start planning your manoeuvre (English spelling) earlier.

    Also, you may not be checking your mirrors as frequently as you should. Mirrors should be checked approximately every 3 seconds and you are correct to check your blind spot just prior to changing lanes.

    To learn to assess what you see in your mirrors and react to what you see, park in a reasonably busy street and check your mirrors until you are satisfied that you can use them effectively.

    This can then be done on a highway when moving - try to guess when the car passing you will pass, even though you're not changing lane.

    Also, acceleration may be required, or patience prior to making the manoeuvre if you need to let a car pass first.

    Information is what you require, and reacting to that information.

    Mirror - Signal - Manoeuvre is the accepted norm and scanning constantly for Information.


  10. You are obviously trying to merge into the left lane or fast lane .

    when doing so you need to account for the fact that cars there are all moving faster than you and that they come from behind the car directly be hind you. after checking your blind spot watch in the mirror as you merge over. you would benefit from a blindspot mirror also they are only like a dollar at your local part store, simply small convex mirrors that you can stick right on the lower outside corner of your existing side view mirrors.

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