
I Need Help wit my QUICK SET POOL?

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omg i bout a quick set pool yesterday 15 x 42

when i open i noticed it didnt have a cover ladder or a ground cover so i had 2 pay more money 2 get that

but now i havin problems wit it fillin properly

b4 its said my ground is level i just dnt kno wats wrong wit it

we mad sure it was straighten n wen my g pa let it fill upthe wall didnt built up it like it sank almost the water jst filled the bottom n rounded it off but didnt raise the walls

help me plz




  1. Make sure that the ring up top is inflated all the way with no air leaks and that the pump is hooked up already with no leaks (if water is up that high). Other than that, besides the ground being level, you just need to let the water run and run. Hope this helps. We just got one of these too and it's great!

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