
I Need Like 4 Quotes From Jude By Kate Morgenroth?

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I Need Like 4 Quotes From Jude By Kate Morgenroth?




  1. As I had insomnia all last night, I searched the web high & low( I didn't even know what " Jude " was or who Kate Morgenroth is) and probably read half the book by random page excerpts) and noticed that 'Jude' rarely actually speaks, besides saying "yeah". I don't know if these would be considered "quotes", but they're some rare examples of things 'Jude' says:

    "There's champaigne because someone got the death penalty?"

    "Everyone has a name?"

    "Who's their last witness?"

    "You don't understand anything."

    " Harry, tell me what to do. I'll do anything, I swear. I'll tell you who sold the drugs to Nick, it was an old friend of mine, and he left town, but you could probably find him."

    That was a tough one. Good luck!

    Addition: Now that I've slept, I realize that you probably don't need exact words spoken from Jude's mouth,  lol. If you go to and look up that book, it will let you read random pages from it when you click on it and hit "surprize me". You can keep repeating this until you can pretty much read the whole book by random pages. When a warning pops up about "We appreciate giving our users the opportunity to browse......" just ignore it and keep going. You'll have to make an Amazon account first, but it's quick, free, and easy. Good Luck Again!

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