
I Need Some Dinner Graces That Can Be Used At A Guide Camp! Anybody Have Any Ideas?! Thank You!

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I Need Some Dinner Graces That Can Be Used At A Guide Camp! Anybody Have Any Ideas?! Thank You!




  1. Ask for a volunteer to say the dinner grace each day. You should get some nice graces and some thoughtful responses. Good luck.

  2. rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the's a guides classic. i don't remember the others

  3. I can still remember my old school one - in Latin!

    Benedict domine nos et haec tua dona

    Quai de tua largigate sumus sumpturi

    Per Christum, dominum nostrum


    PS. That confused the spell checker!

  4. Dear Lord

    We thank you for this food and those that prepared it. Please bless the bodies that partake of it


    Dear Lord

    We thank you for the food that nourishes our bodies and for our loved ones which nourish our spirit


  5. Here are two graces that I know:

    This one we say every day: Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen

    This one I remember from my grandparents: God bless this meat that we shall eat, this bread that we shall break.  Make all our actions kind and sweet, we ask in Jesus' name. Amen

    Caveat: I have no idea what "Guide camp" is, but these are common before meal prayers.

  6. A Cub Scout prayer:

    Prayer Around The Campfire

    Dear God, as we sit by the campfire watching the flicker of the firelight on the faces around us, may we be aware of thy presence within our circle of friends.

    As we feel the warmth of the fire on our bodies, may our hearts be warmed with love for each other and for thee.

    Familiar faces glow with a strange radiance by firelight.

    May we learn to see the hidden wonder in each human life and seek to understand each other as thou dost understand us.

    As we gaze into the fire at the center of our circle, help us to know that it is the light of thy truth which saves mankind from darkness.

    May that truth shine forth from our lives.

    When we turn from the dying embers to face the blackness at our backs, may the night around us be bright because thy Spirit burns within our hearts.


    Lighting the Fire:  Ã¢Â€ÂœKneel Always”

    (poem by John Oxenham - contributed by John Ensign who used it to start the campfire on the first night of camp for over 42 years of directing church camps)

    Kneel always when you light a fire

    Kneel reverently and grateful be

    To God for His unfailing charity

    And on the ascending flame inspire

    A little prayer which shall upbear

    The incense of our thankfulness

    For this sweet grace of warmth and light

    For here again is sacrifice for our delight

    Kneel always when you light a fire

    Kneel reverently and grateful be

    To God for his unfailing charity.

    A Boy Scout prayer from Troop 680:


    The call of the fire

    Comes to us through the shadows

    That follow the close of the day.

    Its flames bring us peace

    And a calmness of spirit

    That drives all our troubles away.

    We're thankful for days

    And the joys that they bring us

    For nights and the rest that they bring

    May we go on believing

    In this joy we're receiving

    Just now 'round the fire as we sing.

    Another Boy Scout prayer from Troop 680:


    I know a green cathedral, A shadowed, forest shrine; Where leaves In love join hands


    And arch their prayers and mine Within it's cool depths sacred The priestly cedar sighs And the fir and pine lift arms


    Unto the pure blue sky. In my green cathedral There is a flowered seat, The choir loft in branched croft Where songs of birds hymns sweet. And I like to dream at eve'ning When the stars its arches light That my Lord and God treads its hallowed sod

    In the cool calm peace of night; That my Lord and God treads its

    hallowed sod In the cool calm peace of night.


    Rise up, 0 flame, By thy light glowing, Show to us beauty, Vision and joy.

    Evening Grace

    Tireless guardian, on our way,

    Thou hast kept us well this day,

    Thank you for this dinner meal,

    Thank you Lord for all we feel,

    While we thank thee we request,

    Care continued, pardon rest.


    As we gather around this beautiful day,

    We thank you for your goodness to us,

    and pray God, the hungry everywhere may be fed.

    Be with us during this day.

    Guide us and keep us,

    We ask in your Holy Name.


    We thank you, God, for happy hearts,

    For fine and sunny weather;

    We thank you, God, for this our food,

    And that we are together.

    Philmont Grace

    For food,

    For raiment,

    For opportunity,

    For friendship,

    For fellowship,

    We thank thee O'Lord.


    For health and friends

    And daily food

    We give thee thanks, O Lord.

    Thank you for the world so sweet

    Thank you for the food we eat

    Thank you for the birds that sing

    Thank you, God, for everything.

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