
I Need To Know About the Great Depression In 1930s America?

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What Is The Great Depression? Why Did It Happen? What Happened, Who Did It Affect? When Did It Happen?




  1. October of 1929 the US stock market crashed which set off a panic.  That part you can find on the internet or you history books.

    My addition to who did it affect.  My dad was born in 1926 so he grew up during the depression.  He grew up on a farm, and what I find interesting about that, is that he said they weren't affected because they had nothing before the depression and they had nothing after the depression.

    They survived because they were able to provide for themselves.

    So the depression didn't affect everyone.

  2. Depression lasted from 1929 - to late 30s.  WWII really ends it.

    It happened because the capitalist economic system works in cycles, there are ups and downs.  But also poor regulation of the stock market allowed people to buy stocks "on the margin".  That is, they could pay a percentage of the stocks values and pay the rest later.  When the stock goes up you can sell it and pay back the money you owe and make money.  When everyone's stocks go down at the same time, as happened in 1929, there is no money to pay back what you owe but you still owe.  As a result of no one being able to pay money that everyone assumed they would be able to pay banks went broke.  Sort of like what's happening today with people not being able to pay their mortgages.

    It affected every American.  Some worse than others.  Mostly worse.  At the height of the depression in the early 30s official unemployment was around 30%.  

  3. the Great Depression 1929-1936

    it happened because of the ecomony kind of what we're in now.

    it affected everybody who traded with it



    stock market collapsed

    affected usa and any1 hu traded with them

  5. Is that not in your History book? You should really search the internet, and find out all of this. You will be amazed at what you will learn.  

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