
I Need To Lose Weight...?

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but I don't have much time to exercise I work about 50 hours a week & tend to sleep late. Are there certain foods I can eat or maybe simple quiet exercises I can do at night without any equipment?

My main focus is my tummy and my arms and I know how to get my tummy down to size like I want it.. but other than like..push ups what could I do for my arms?




  1. Try not to eat before you go to sleep. meaning eat abefore 6 pm.  if you go to bed at 11.  watch what you eat.

  2. drink green tea or chinese tea

  3. other than the obvious--avoiding high calorie, high fat foods, you should eat food high in fiber and protein, like fruit and fat-free dairy products.  if you get hungry in between meals, drink water or eat a small fruit.  try not to make your snacks over 150 calories.  oh, and DON'T skip meals--generally all that happens is you tend to overeat at your next meal, and also your metabolism slows down if you don't eat for a prolonged period of time...breakfast is particularly important, if you skip it your body stores up fat--eating breakfast jumpstarts your metabolism.

    as for quiet exercises, sit-ups are very beneficial for your abdomen...doing them with your legs straight up, although it sounds odd, will help you rid your stomach of excess fat below the belly button.

    hope this helps!


  4. To lose weight without really going to the gym you would need to cut out about 60 or 50% of your carbs so that means no juice or pop.What you should and what foods will help you lose weight is green tea,protein(lean),and veggies with fiber like Brussels Sprouts Cabbage,Eggplant,Endive,Fennel,Green Beans,Kohlrabi,


    Most important is the carbs,if you get off that white bread and go into the whole grain wheat,but remember not to much of it will get you where you want.

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