
I Need Wii Internet But Dont Wanna Pay The Crappy 5 Bucks!? Help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have been trying and trying there is like no way that i can get it for free. i dont wanna pay the money because thats really not coool and i mean come on 5 buckss! ugh well anyone have any sites i can use fer it thanks! and if not i suppose i will just pay that money!




  1. Those scam sites don't work, they're ripoffs, they're trying to reach your information.

    Just pay the cheap 5 bucks...

    Then buy Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Medal of Honor.

  2. Those sites are scams to get your personal information. Free prizes sites don't work. And 5 bucks, it's not that expensive.

    And this should be in the Nintendo Wii section.

  3. Why do you even want it?  I got it back when it was still free... it's really nothing special, and it's awkward as all h**l to use.  Now if you could switch to it during gameplay it might be useful, but you can't, so it's not.

    Seriously, don't even bother.  It's a waste of memory space.

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