
I Need Yugioh D.D. Deck Lists?

by  |  earlier

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i need some of your d.d. decklists because i need an idea of what to put in my yugioh d.d. deck.


3 D.D. Survivor

2 Golden Homunculus

1 Caius The Shadow Monarch

2 Banisher Of Radiance

2 D.D. Scout Plane

1 Exiled Force

1 D.D. Assailant

1 Gren Maju Da Eiza

2 D.D. Warrior

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

1 Ultimate Tyranno

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Marshmallon

1 White-Horned Dragon


3 Dimensional Fissure

2 Reinforcements Of The Army

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Different Dimension Reincarnation (D.D.R)

1 Brain Control

1 Soul Exchange

1 Nobleman Of Crossout

1 Heavy Storm


2 Macro Cosmos

1 Magic Cylinder

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Return From The Different Dimension

1 Sakurestu Armor

2 Bottomless Trap Hole




  1. -1 Ultimate Tyranno

    +1 Gren Maju de Eiza

    You really need 3 d.d. warriors and 3 assailants for an effective d.d. deck But good job anyway. Your deck was a lot better than last time.

  2. if u use D.D. survivor, ur missing a BIG TRUMP CARD: Big Bang Shot (equip), cuz it gives ur DD sur, atk, and it removes ur survivor from play when its destroyed, which means it comes right back, u hve good field advantage and control,

    Wat u need:

    Big Bang Shot x2 (or so)

    More equips, like mage power, axe of des. and stuff, dust tornadoe, u only hve mystical, and heavy storm isnt prefered for a specific removal

    add another Assailant, then add DD Dynamite

  3. well to be honest ur deck aint that good but i suggest a d.d borderline burn

    Monsters: 13

    1 Morphing Jar

    1 Sangan

    2 Stealth Bird

    1 Mask of Darkness

    1 Des Lacooda

    3 A Cat of Ill Omen

    1 Gravekeer's Guard

    3 Gravekeeper's Spy

    Spells: 7

    3 D.D. Boderline

    3 Wave-Motion Cannon

    1 Level-Limit Area B

    Traps: 20

    3 Solemn Judgment

    3 Dark Bribe

    1 Crush Card Virus

    1 Torrential Tribute

    3 Reckless Greed

    1 The Transmigration Prophecy

    1 Royal Oppression

    1 Skill Drain

    1 Ceasefire

    1 Gravity Bind

    1 Mind Crush

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    2 Pulling the Rug

    but overall too make your deck better

    - 1 sak

    - magic cylinder

    - nobleman of crossout (noc)

    -ultimate tyranno (wtf)

    - gren maju de eiza

    - d.d assialnt

    - 2 golden homuculus

    - 2 dd warrior

    - white horned dragon

    + 2 caius the shadow monarch

    + 3 monarchs of your choice (not granmarg!!!!!!!!!!!)

    + 2 fires of doomsday

    + 2 dimensional prison

    + 1 soul exchange

    + 1 d.d.r

    b4 chnages 4/10

    with changes 8.9/10

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